Check out Google's doodle for today. [Freddie Mercury birthday]

Happy 65th birthday, Freddie, wherever you are.

And for your viewing pleasure, for one day only: Queen Live at Wembley Stadium 1986. 90 minutes of one of the best bands and one of the greatest showmen alive absolutely owning the audience. The only performance they ever did better than that one was at Live Aid, where Freddie was at his very best.


That was a ton of fun! I did the Google logo, then listened to the live versions of the songs I knew about even before I knew Queen existed: “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “We Will Rock You,” and “We Are The Champions.” Then I went back and watched the logo again.

I regret how long I didn’t know about this guy.

I just have the normal logo :frowning:
And it doesn’t even show up at Google Doodles :confused:


I’m just seeing the usual logo with a tiny US Flag for Labor Day.

Me too :frowning:

It’s going live in the US on Tuesday, according to the Google blog. Have a look at

The doodle itself is ace, really sweet. Don’t Stop Me Now was the first single I ever bought with my own money.

It’s not showing up for me now either. If you can’t wait, here it is on Youtube.

So which conservative commentator will be the first to be outraged at this?

You should be able to use it here if you can’t get it on the main page.

I searched “Freddy Mercury” and managed to completely miss this thread before making my own. Yeah, I got braggin’ rights because had it a day earlier than the Americans! :slight_smile:

Just go to or and you’ll be able to see it. It’s blocked on the U.S. google site until tomorrow.


I think Freddy would have appreciated it. :slight_smile:

I will miss Freddie Mercury until the day I die. That was amazing.

There’s already a thread.

I’ve merged the two threads.


That was just…really AWESOME! Oh, my god…

Loved it! I spent my lunch hour watching the Wembly show and was just blown away by what a frontman Freddie was.

I wonder why it wasn’t blocked for me. Oh well.