Chickenfoot! Satriani, Hagar, Anthony, Smith

There’s a new supergroup recording called Chickenfoot. It consists of Joe Satriani, ex-Van Halenites Sammy Hagar and Mike Anthony, and Chad Smith of the RHCP. Nice rocking album, typical Sammy Hagar lyrics (Oh, Yeah, Runnin’ Out, Get It Up). Sounds quite a bit like Hagar-era Van Halen. Nothing wrong with that, I like Sammy as much as I like Dave. Amazon has the entire album available to download as an mp3 for only $3.99. Definitely worth a try at that price.

Oh, wow. I’ve seen posters all over town because I guess they play at Hagar’s casino bar here (St. Louis)…wasn’t interested in a Hagar project—BUT, I didn’t know Satriani was in it! I will be much more inclined to check them out now, thanks.

I’ll be interested in hearing reviews and seeing how it does, but it is not something I would seek out…

We saw their inaugural concert. Not my type of music. The band members were having fun, but it was a small venue (about 500 people) where they could have worked the audience a lot more and didn’t. We stayed for three songs and left.