If we can’t have strippers at our funerals, then the terrorists have already won!
I think I’d like to have strippers at my funeral, just so that the ushers can ask the mourners if they could kick in some extra bucks to pay for them.
If we can’t have strippers at our funerals, then the terrorists have already won!
I think I’d like to have strippers at my funeral, just so that the ushers can ask the mourners if they could kick in some extra bucks to pay for them.
Most news sites regarding this story are dated yesterday and repeat the same information, but an internet search reveals that this is a practice that has been going on for a while, and that the police have been cracking down for a while. Here’s corroboration, with pictures:
and without:
Sounds like in China, “The Big Chill” is real. They give you the biggest party on the one day you can’t come.
The practice originated in Taiwan and apparently passed over into mainland China. Which makes me wonder if there’s a political dimension to this crackdown.
“Well, OK, you can have strippers at your party. But you’d better be alive!”
Ain’t no party like the communist party…
Damn communists, taking the fun out of funerals.
We had a thread on this practice before. IIRC There’s a documentary about strippers at funerals called Dancing For The Dead.
Link, damn you, link!!! I can’t search for that while I’m at work!
I can’t find it. My Google fu is weak
Didn’t they play at the latest emo revival fest?
No no no, This isn’t strippers at a funeral. We just happened to have a dead guy on us when we came to a stripper party.
Dancing for the Dead: Funeral Strippers in Taiwan Trailer 1 and Trailer 2
And a National Geographic special on the subject.
No nudity in these videos but they do feature scantily dressed dancers.
I wast totally joking.
But since found it, I feel obliged to watch. What a sacrifice.
I’d rather have strippers at a funeral than snakes on a plane.
“I’m sick and tired of these mg strippers in this mg funeral!!”
Nah, doesn’t have the same ring.
As I’ve always said, funerals are for the living.
“Is that rigor mortis setting in, or are you just enjoying the show?”
Issues like this you must nipple in the butt, or people will begin taking things into their own hands.
Stripper 1 to stripper 2: " I just lap-danced that guy in the box for 10 full minutes and he totally stiffed me"