Christian protester of islam: what's her point?

Ann Arbor has its own islamic center. On a couple of occasions recently I’ve spotted a single woman standing near the parking lot entrance with a large sign that reads:



Not dying to talk to her, so I’m asking here. What do you suppose is her purpose in being there? Is she trying to convert people to Christianity? Is she trying to cast aspersions on islam?

She’s witnessing. Some denominations of Christianity place a duty on Christians to publicly declare their faith and to tell other people about it.

Jesus>Mohammed, I think would probably be the general idea. More specifically, in Islam Jesus was replaced on the cross and was ‘beamed up’ to Heaven instead. Needless to say this rather contradicts the Bible and the entire point of Christianity, as it’s put in the 1 Corinthians;

Basically “My religion is right and yours is wrong”, with subtext “I am threatened by the idea of any other religion being taken seriously, so I’m out here telling people that my religion is right and yours is wrong”.

Better witnessing would be living a Christian life rather than being an attention seeking asshole.

Whoa, whoa, whoa now. Let’s not start talking crazy.

She’s yet another insider who thinks that the arguments that reassure the faithful are actually useful in convincing outsiders. It’s not just seen from Christians, though, due to the ethic of proselytizing, you may see it more often from them.

For an example on a side most Dopers agree with: arguing that pro-lifers hate women is not ever going to be an argument that will convince them. It exists to reassure pro-choicers that they are on the right side. Heck, “a woman’s right to choose,” when just shouted and not explained and balanced against the fetus’s right to live, basically does the same thing.

It makes this woman feel like she’s proselytizing without having to get down and dirty with trying to convince people. If they don’t listen, it’s their fault.

I would wonder if at least part of her motive it to provoke some reaction, maybe even a violent one from Muslims walking by her, not really sure from your description if there are a lot of people walking past her. Then she could be on the news or something, I don’t know.

I think, deep down, she is unsure about her choice of religion, so she had to proclaim it out loud to convince herself.

I saw a woman, who I assume was the same one in the OP, holding that sign this past Easter Sunday in front of the largest mosque in Dearborn. Never seen her before then or since.

Sounds… organized. DHS should look into this.

Ironically, of course, Muslims agree that Jesus is a miraculous prophet who, if not resurrected, was at least not successfully killed by crucifixion, and that Muhammad is dead.

Along with Generalissimo Francisco Franco.

Although Muhammad did ride a flying horse to Jerusalem, meet Jesus in Heaven and bartered with God over the number of prayers Muslims would have to say. That’s one hell of a weekend. Unlike Jesus he returned.

When Jesus does return and…er, die for real I guess, he has an empty grave reserved for him next to Mohammed.