"Christian" publishers are crooks, sky is blue.

Would that be the other cheek?

It’s like if Jesus had walked around with a T-shirt reading: Yo! I’m the Son of God! in rhinestones.

Disco Jesus doesn’t advertise.

The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons

–Ralph Waldo Emerson

Don’t forget about the Papyrus or Comic Sans fonts. :stuck_out_tongue:

The untated, of course.

Won’t someone think of the children?! I worry about their kids - those poor Tater tots.

Don’t bring Ron White’s son into this. He doesn’t need to be Tated by association with these criminals.

Your words…

“Just for shiggles, is the non-Xian vanity press notably more ethical as an industry?”
That “other side”. So if you were to get hauled to court for murder, is your argument going to be “other guys do it too” ?

That would be fun to watch.

Yeah. that would be “a little bit unprofessional” :smiley:

Are you really this stupid? Xian vanity press is a subset of the vanity press industry, not “the other side.”

Whatever, what you were attempting is still a “those guys do it too” bullshit line regardless.

Inasmuch as being a Christian is incompatible with exploiting your brothers and sisters for profit, the phrase “Christian business” is a contradiction in terms.

No. You’re just kind of stupid.

It, too, is a contradiction in terms.

Sounds like the people who said John F. Kennedy was unsuitable for the presidency, because, as a Catholic, he’d be taking orders from the Pope.

So then, humor me. What the fuck ARE you trying to defend or justify?


Hatred is not a Christian virtue. Patriotism is hatred. Christians love and embrace all without regard for artificial, morally-irrelevant lines on a map: Christians are globalists.

Thus, Christians can’t be patriots. If you’re a patriot, then by definition, you’re not a Christian.

I see.