Christmas tree photos

From this thread:

So here I am starting the thread. :slight_smile: We don’t have our tree yet this year, and since I’m horrible at getting film developed anyway I’m posting a link to pics of last year’s tree. (Apologies for the quality of the photos. They were taken with a bad camera.)

So what does your Christmas tree look like?

Okay, here’s my tree --and if you want you can check out my other decorations in this album.

Some of the pictures were kinda hard to make out, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out how cute the kitties are! :slight_smile:

Why thanks for the comment on the kitties, DRY! They are such great snugglers! I went back and used some touch-up features to brighten the pictures and added captions. The pictures are brighter now, but they look kind of grainy. At least you can see what’s in them.

Your tree looks beautiful, Trouble :slight_smile: (is it OK if I call you that?). The bright lights really show up well in that photo, especially in the dark room. I’ll have to remember to turn off the lights in the house this year for some of my pictures.

I love the picture with the stockings, too. Years ago I took a picture of our stockings but I have no idea where it is. I’ll have to find it so I can scan it in.

The brightening did wonders! (I didn’t mention Ladybug in the previous pictures because I, uh, didn’t know she was in any of them)

The pictures are great, nice to see the whole cast and crew. Except TroubleAgain and Mr. Trouble. Where are they?

Our family tree

Actually, Mr. Trouble (other cat for those of you who don’t know) was hiding 'cause he hates all the commotion of putting up the tree and stuff. Mr. TroubleAgain was out hunting (same reason as Mr. Trouble, actually :smiley: ). And TroubleAgain was behind the camera, of course. :wink: And I don’t blame you for not mentioning Ladybug since she doesn’t photograph well, or at all in a dark room…

OH, and since ladybug started this thread, it’s probably best to say that when I refer to Ladybug with a capital L, it’s my big Bug, the black lab mix to whom I am referring! :smiley:

Presumably they were huntin for different things. :wink:

So Mr. TroubleAgain is out, huh? No wonder you and I have been following each other around the boards all night! :smiley:

Sorry it took so long for me to do this ladybug but here is a couple of pictures of our tree this year.

In this picture of the Christmas Tree you can’t really see the tinsel just green and the decorations, but it’s cute though.

And in this picture my daughter Courtney just had to pose with the tree. Isn’t she cute? :smiley: