Churches and Prop 8

Just curious if you church-going Dopers have noticed your pastor or congregation trying to sway you one way or the other re: Prop 8 in California (same gender marriage). I read the online version of news from Salt Lake City and I ran across this article.

My local newspaper had a blog from an Orange County pastor who said that her “No on 8” sign had been stolen from her office. I’m just surprised that churches would be allowed to register a yay or nay, and encourage people to vote a certain way, on any Proposition. Not judging anyone, just curious what you have heard at church when it comes to politics. (not terribly surprised by the article from the link, actually, having lived in SLC in the past).

Can you tell that it’s been awhile since I attended church? :confused:

This is the whole reason I stopped attending church…the church’s political motivations and messages frequently clashed with what I thought was right. It often felt like politics were a bigger focus than any area of spirituality. For some odd reason, I’m still on their mailing list; their newsletter has changed drastically over the last year or so, focusing on political activities (protests, etc.) rather than the fellowship gatherings and community events they used to feature.

I guess you’re looking for something a bit more recent though.

I attended church with my parents in orange county a few weeks ago, and while the pastor did not say anything about Prop8 from the pulpit, their Sunday school class was as livid as I’ve seen them get on any issue other than abortion. Apparently after Prop8 passes there will be a mandatory Gay Day holiday their children in public schools will be forced to participate in. No, really.
Nobody’s said anything about Prop8 that I know of at my home church, but my branch of Episcopals have been pretty good on the issue.

I’m in Arizona and I’ve been attending an Episcopal church here for the past few weeks.

I haven’t heard a single word about the Arizona same sex marriage amendment.

The previous United Church of Christ church I attended simply got too political. I’m liberal, but the liberal politics just got to be too much. It was like being hit on the head with a sledgehammer every Sunday morning. I wasn’t sure if I was in church or watching C-span.

My pastor had better not say anything at all- the letter of the law and all that. However, if she were to say something, it would most like;y be “No on 8.”

“The United Methodist Church. Open hearts, open minds, open doors (as long as you don’t want to get married).”

I would appear the Church of LDS is bankrolling the lion’s share of “Yes on 8” campaign funds:

At least one of the local churches, a Baptist one, has Yes on 8 signs on its lawns.

I attend Catholic Mass every week…nothing more than “Vote for something that promotes the greatest good and if you’re not sure, then don’t vote for that particular prop or person…but nonetheless, do go out and vote.”

In my mind, that means the equality of people trumps traditional values that are exclusionary.

My church is definitely “No on 8”. We usually don’t mention it in services, but there’s probably discussion during weekly putlock, there is a “marriage equality team”, and its all over the newsletter. Unitarians tend to get political, even when its very unpopular around here.

All I have to say is those “Yes on 8” people are pretty nasty–perhaps some pastors ought to consider giving sermons on the inadvisability of blackmail. Is there a bible verse about that?

I got up and walked out of a church service when they had a “presentation” by the church women’s group on why the congregation should vote yes to a law that would have banned Irish women from having abortions if their health (including mental health) was at stake. No way was I going to sit and listen to why some lady thought God would rather women died, suffered severe disability or went batshit insane than have safe, legal terminations. I never went back and they got a letter from me explaining why.

If you think your church is asking you to vote in a way you don’t agree with, the least you can do is tell them you don’t agree with them and don’t appreciate hearing a biased political message when you attend a religious service.