Citizen Trump (et al.)

Ah. They just looked odd to my untrained eye. Thanks.

The brown one looks like a Remington XP-100 (1963-1998) or XR-100 (2005-present).

Individual 1 wants people to send him money, instead of sending it to the Republicans.

From the article, the RNC told him to buzz off on the “pay for use of my name” thing. Also claim that now CFSG has given his blessing to use of his name.

Lots of interesting things in this article:

Madame Tussaud’s wax museum in San Antonio has removed their Individual 1 statue because people keep punching it in the face.

That totally fucking rocks!

It DOES rock, but I can’t help thinking that the museum is forgoing a HUGE potential income stream (having a couple of spare heads made up, and charging $20 a pop to pop him a good one).

A durable layer of latex over a mass of ballistic gelatin would probably be quite satisfying to most people.

So … just like in real life, then?

Maybe we could put up a horde of “Punch the Trump” pushcarts in shopping malls.

Maybe they’ll throw it in the quarry.


The Kobiyashi Mara Loco has been partially closed because, well, you know: too much sharing.

Trump mouthing off about Drs. Fauci and Birx; blasts them as “self-promoters” (he certainly should be able to spot one since he sees one in the mirror every day, but I think he’s at least half-wrong here):

Does shitgibbon even matter anymore? My cousin was just playing a video compilation of his lamentable blather, the voice was getting irritating, and I finally said “WFC??

In most of his rallies he sounds like his balls were cut off at adolescence. A screechy and pubescent boy had something to say. Wow.

(High-pitched squeal) YA know… everybody’s sayin’…

Shut the fuck up, squeaky dicky pants.

It’s like some classic cartoon character dropped alum on him.


Wyoming Fried Chicken?

Never mind. I hit submit, and immediately thought “Who Fucking Cares?”

So then, I edited my post. But apparently not quickly enough.

Who Fucking Cares, I assume.

Well, he thinks he does. He’s forgotten (or ignoring) the fact that past presidents in the modern era tend to fade away gracefully after their time in office. He’s certainly welcome to try for the presidency again in 2024, but both Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush didn’t succeed in their respective bids for second terms, and decided to give presidenting a rest after that.

If Trump wants to remain in the news and be a viable 2024 candidate, he would do well to avoid politics totally right now, and to get involved with things where his name is in the news, just not politically. He could endorse and be the face of a non-Trump charity, or go on a speaking tour (not rallies; I’m talking university lecture halls and hotel conference rooms where the price of admission is out of reach of most Trump supporters), or host a celebrity golf tournament at Mar-a-Lago for a non-Trump charity. That kind of thing would keep him front and centre, without reminding Americans of his political failures.