Clearing my stuff – an MMP give-away, sorta

I refuse to discuss packing. After packing a 3-bedroom house and trying to figure out how to downsize into a house about 1/2 the size, I am still not recovered from last summer’s move. Nope, no packing for this Tiger!

FCM, if you’re sending stuff Priority, you can get free boxes delivered to your house by the Postal Orifice. Just go to their website and pick the size boxes you want. They make some conveniently sized Priority boxes; I only pay for boxes if I’m sending big stuff these days.

I stayed up too late working last night, trying to get a job done that had to be emailed in by this morning, and then my scaredy-cat golden retriever woke me up too early this morning. Fortunately, I can take a lazy day, and plan to. The question is: Take a morning nap before more coffee, or wait till afternoon and do it up right?

That is weird!! :eek:

taxi, make sure you try out the mattresses. I mean really lay down on them and flop around like you would in bed.

Good morning, all!

Funny, I had a really hard time sleeping last week too. I put it down to the jetlag - after all, I was getting tired a couple of hours after my bedtime - but upon reading here I think it must be MMP-syndrome.

FCM, great OP! Seeing as I already have a piece of yours, I’ll wait for other people to make their selection. I certainly do want one, too. Please put up the link again?

In other news, we saw a bunch of movies this weekend:

Saw X3, was disappointed.

Saw Brokeback Mountain, loved it. Saw this one mainly to take the taste of X3 out of my mouth.

Saw A History of Violence, with Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn). Pretty good, for a simple little thing, though I have to tell you guys -

Ok, we watch R rated movies all the time. However they are rated R for violence or language. This one had both those things but it also had some raunchy and downright filthy straight sex…some passionate oral, for example. Me and the So kind of looked like this :eek: and we laughed, realizing we really weren’t used to these kinds of movies and we were actually a little bit squeamish! He’s like “Do you want me to forward?” And I said, “No, we may as well watch it and get used to it…” Brokeback also had some pretty raunchy gay sex, but then we were expecting that more. With a name like “A History of Violence” you don’t quite expect that!

Oh, definitely wait till afternoon. Anything you’re thinking you need to do today, get it done and out of the way, and then you can go nuts with the napping. I would even go so far as to bed-nap, rather than couch-nap, because the bed is just so much more luxurious for napping.

Why yes, I am a student of the naptastic arts. I’ve put a lot of thought into this over the years.

I thought it was a very well-done film, and it was definitely worth seeing and deserved all the acclaim it got. I never want to see it again, no matter how much I like Heath Ledgr. By the time it was over, Roomie and I were so depressed we could barely find the energy to shut off the television. Not like I was expecting it to have a happy ending, or anything, but I found it so completely soul-crushing that I couldn’t even get up to pee when it was over.

I’ve seen much more depressing flicks. Brokeback had a bittersweet ending. Watch Grave of the Fireflies sometime. Or rather, don’t, or you’ll never smile again.

Yeah. I’m told Grave of the Fireflies takes all the happy out of anything, forever. I saw A History of Violence when it was in theatres last summer, and liked it. I quite liked X3, too, and I agree, Drae: I never want to see Brokeback Mountain again. Too sad.

Thanks for the warning. I’ve got Grave of the Fireflies on my Netflix list. I may take it off!

I haven’t slept for roughly – no, make that exactly – 21 months. Guess how old someone is today? Prior to that I got a few months of sleep, but basically I haven’t slept in nearly 12 years. Tis the price I pay for motherhood – wakeful children! But poor baby Cherry has some virus~y cold thing going on, which I also have, and which laid me quite low yesterday. I am perkier today, but not much.

Dreams. Do you all dream much? Since I was up and down with the baby night before last, I think my brain was firing too much and when I slept, it was still busy, because I had the most vivid dreams. Mainly, of someone I knew years ago, who, sadly, has been gone for nearly 20 years. I imagined a whole life for him, the life he would have and should have had. It was so sad. i met his wife, his little son – his whole life! That he never had. I couldn’t shake it for hours. But that said, it was still nice to see him.

I recommend everyone see it once. Have a box of tissues next to you. I’m sooooo glad I didn’t put any spoilers, btw! It’s a beautiful movie but damn it’s sad.

One of my closest friends died about three and a half years ago, and every couple months I wake up (usually not even remembering the dream I had about her), and I actually forget for a little while until I get downstairs and see the big photo collage I made for her funeral hanging on the living room wall. Makes me cry every damn time.

The choice between bed-napping and couch-napping may depend on the weather – with a dog who’s scared of rain even though he loves the beach (I’d ask what he’s thinking except that assumes that he, y’know, thinks), it’s often easier to sack out on the couch. We’ll just have to see. I may end up just going to bed early tonight; I have lots of around-the-house stuff I ignored for the last week while I was working to get a couple of rush jobs done.

Why does making money always take precedence over cleaning house?

Speaking of bittersweet, that dream about your friend, Ellen Cherry, definitely falls into that category. I’ve had a few old friends who are gone now come to me in dreams, and it’s always hard to shake that feeling of loss that returns full force when I wake up. But I’m always glad for the dreams. Like you said, it’s still nice to see them.

I have dreams about one of my high school teachers who died unexpectedly while I was in college. I hadn’t seen him in a few years, but when he died, I started having dreams very regularly about him. Don’t know why but it always was kinda bittersweet.

I have dreams about one of my high school teachers who died unexpectedly while I was in college. I hadn’t seen him in a few years, but when he died, I started having dreams very regularly about him. Don’t know why but it always was kinda bittersweet.

Remind me to sit somewhere else if I ever come to visit. Please.

I never dream about people I’ve lost. My dreams are either good, in which case I usually don’t remember them, weird, or about my family…and they used to be really bad dreams but have graduated to being OK ones. Which is a good thing.

I was so late this morning that I didn’t have time to either eat breakfast or pack a lunch, like I always do. And now I’m hungry!

It’s okay, we got rid of that chair. :stuck_out_tongue:

I never remember my dreams, so you don’t get to hear any of them. Sorry. I do, however, remember to write puns …

Enjoy. FCM, I sent you a request. Yay pottery! Boo being back at work! Blech. I was actually nodding off earlier. The only thing saving this day right now is that I have begun construction of my MASTERPIECE. It will be glorious. Men will sing my praises and women will flock to my door. Governments will build statues and name schools in my honor. I’ll receive the keys to cities, and I’ll run around locking them all up so no one can get in! Muhahahahaha!

Oh, for the record, no movie could possibly be as depressing as the movie version of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons.

I already have one. And it’s bigger than that one.

My dad shows up in my dreams now and again – he died 13 years ago. The day after that is always kind of rough.

Yay, it’s my Friday! I know that sounds weird, but right now I’m working four evenings a week, Friday through Monday. So Monday is my Friday and Friday is my Monday. Retail. Such FUN. Not.

Hey FCM! If you’re sending Priority Mail, the PO will give you boxes for FREE! I loves me any kind of free stuff! :smiley:

Why must you always rain on my parade? :stuck_out_tongue: