Clearing my stuff – an MMP give-away, sorta

Whoa! Alberto might become a hurricane. Watch out all you Flahrdy Cool Kids!

In other news, I survived management team yet again and there’s gonna be free food in the break room at 12:30! YAY!

Spats, perhaps I truly am too juvenile for words, but that pun cracked me the heck up! :smiley:

Well, I did like the pun. Does that make you feel better?

Yes. Yes it does. :slight_smile:

I think I might cut my hair off tonight. I’ve been waiting for two years for it to be long again. Now it’s annoying the hell out of me because my only choices are down and frizzy, down and styled (which takes time and then isn’t worth the effort in the summer), or up. I’m wholly dissatisfied with the entire long hair experience, at this point. Grr.

I was going to make lunch, but there’s a cat on my lap. I need to finish putting the laundry away, too. Stupid cat. I think putting away lundry is much less enjoyable than the experience of being at the laundromat. I don’t mind washing stuff, but I have a visceral hatred of putting things away.
Today is my Tuesday, because I’m working Sunday through Wednesday.

Anaamika, your presence is requested in the Yogurt Thread.

They put on a good show. In fact, except for the bass player this weekend (Jimmy was home with a new baby), it’s still the same line-up. And I managed to get backstag to chat with them for awhile before the show. Two of my friends are good friends with Pat DiNizio and the guy who was playing bass (Savarro might have been his name - I’m really bad with people’s names the first time I meet them), and I had been Pat’s roadie twce before when he did solos shows at the house of one of those friends I was with Saturday.

Oh, sorry! I answered, Lissa!

I liked the pun, too!
Don’t cut your hair–it looks pretty this way. Get a flatiron and go to town with it. I do and it makes all the difference in the world.
I am STILL waiting for floor guy–he is 8 minutes late, so I’ll cut him some slack.

Off to clean some more…beautiful day here–perfect weather. Sunny, cool breeze, low humidity. Num!

:slight_smile: Thanks. I have a hair dryer that makes it straight. But I hate having to spend valuable time I could be putting to use by sleeping later every morning blow drying it, especially in the summer, when I start to sweat almost immediately (usually even before I turn the blow dryer off) and just wet the hair again so it curls up. The problem is that my hair is neither straight nor curly. It’s straight about down to the bottoms of my ears, and then goes crazy. It drives me insane. I’ve got red hair for eff’s sake, it should always look good, just by definition. But I hate my hair. I always have, really. I was about nineteen before I finally grew to love the color, and I’m just completely incapable of getting it to look how I want it to, so I’m thinking of going for one of those shoulder-length, chunky deals where it’s supposed to point every which way, so I don’t constantly look like an idiot.

Well, you wouldn’t catch me dead cutting my hair but yours sounds like it might do well shorter. The other thing I can think of is to regularly put it up. In a ponytail or something. Is blowdrying necessary? The last time I blowdried my hair was 1986 I think.

And, if you go to the post office and ask nicely, they might even give you a roll of Priority Mail tape for free. It’s not available to be ordered - apparently every eBayer looking for free tape has cleaned them out, so they ration it tightly. No idea why they’re willing to give you a bale of 25 boxes that you’d spend $50 for at the local pack and ship for free, but hold back on a $3 roll of tape. Actually, as box-sealing tape goes, it’s not very good tape. It’s meant to be used for labeling plain boxes as Priority Mail, and as such, has been largely replaced with rolls of stickers.

The free stuff’s available here. The only caveat is that you can only use them for Priority Mail. If you try using them for Parcel Post, you’ll be charged Priority rates, and using them with FedEx or UPS is iffy at best. (Especially FedEx as they’re partnered with USPS.)

I don’t blow dry it most days in the summer, but I hate the way it looks. Even when I do dry it, it’s just straight and boring. As I said, I am genetically incapable of making my hair come out the way I want it to. When I put it up, I can’t pull it straight back from my face, because I think that makes me look awful, and just putting it up in a clip seems to me even more boring than leaving it to hang around my head like dead vines. I might just shave my head if I wasn’t sure I’d look like a very fat baby in grownup clothes. :slight_smile:

Let’s see here … Straight and plain. (Yes, I’m drunk and Mom’s laughing at me.) Pulled back. I can’t find a picture of me without any hair intervention, but imagine that first picture, only with everything below my chin or so expanded to twice the volume. Hate it all. :eek:

I should also add, just because I know you’re all thinking it, that chances are I’m not going to be happy no matter what my hair looks like.


Actually I like it both ways. It’s beautiful hair! But I can see how it might be a PITA to handle. You can go three ways with it -

  • Start using stuff to enhance the curls. I.e. curl it, or use gel and scrunch it up so it holds the culrs and not just waves. If your hair is silky though, you may not be able to. Really good curls require just a little coarseness so they don’t keep sliding past each other and falling out of shape by the end of the day.
  • Use the flatiron. winces I am just anti-flatiron because my hair is extremely curly - with just a little work I can get it to the sproingy curls of childhood - and lots of people have suggested I use the flatiron. No thank you, I like my hair.
  • Cut it. This is probably the best recommendation, cause you know, it’ll grow back if you don’t like it. But seeing as I haven’t cut my hair significantly (more than a trim) in…seven or 8 years, I can’t really talk. My hair seemingly takes eons to grow because for every two inches it grows it curls back up an inch…people are always amazed when they see it wet and (semi-)straight. “I didn’t know it was that long!”

Nice OP FCM. I’ve e-mailed you on pottery thingy.

I don’t really keep in touch with any old friends. I did for awhile, but we all just got too busy with our lives, I guess.

My husband still keeps in touch with a friend that he’s known since before kindergarten. We get together every two or three weeks with he and his wife.

I stayed home today with a massive headache. As soon as I sat up, I had to get sick. I didn’t want to stay home today, I’ve got too much to do at work.

I slept until about 10:00, off and on, but I just couldn’t sleep anymore. I can now at least sit up without puking, but my head and eyes are just killing me. I’ve taken some Motrin, we’ll see how it goes.

I always, always, have very strange dreams. I dream in color, and in my dreams, I feel pain, heat, cold, etc. I know they say you can’t, but I do. I probably don’t feel it to the extent that I would if I were awake, but I certainly sense it in my dreams. I’m a very, very vivid dreamer.

I have been having very strange dreams that wake me up, then I go back to sleep, to slip right back into the same dream where I left off when I woke up!

Well, I think I’m going to lie back down for awhile. Just feeling too crappy to think.

You hit the nail on the head there–my hair is too fine to hold a better curl. And I’m really looking for something that doesn’t require more than three minutes of my attention before I can leave the house. :slight_smile:

I’m almost certain I’m going to cut it, just because I’d also like some sort of a change and there’s very little I can do with my face. :stuck_out_tongue: Now the only problem is that I can’t find any place open on Monday. :mad:

Sometimes I really love my hair. I can take 20 minutes on it if I so desire, but I can also spend three minutes or less and make it look like I spent 20 minutes. I love my curls now.

Cut it, I would recommend. Ask the hairdresser what she thinks.

Y’all are lucky to have enough hair to worry about getting cut…

drae, why don’t you just have it trimmed up and styled a bit? That seems to give my hair new life every time. Also, investigate some product. My hair is curly/wavy and somewhat fine. I found something called Sleek One that calms down the frizzies but doesn’t weigh down my hair or give me stiff helmet head.

Yup, Alberto’s definitely making his presense felt.

<snerk> mika’s ball is bigger than rifty’s <snerk>

Yeah, but I’ve got two.
