Cloverfield (JJ Abram's secret monster movie)

I’m not sure how many people saw the trailer for this attached to Transformers, but the preview didn’t even have a name, it just credited JJ Abrams and gave a release date.

At first I thought “holy shit is someone secretly making a new Godzilla movie?” but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

What little info I could find online indicates that its an original monster movie, and will be shot entirely with handheld cameras, as the film will be from the vantage point of individuals recording the chaos unfolding around them.

Godzilla or not, I’m intrigued. And it’s friggin’ JJ Abrams.

It could be the Stephen King story The Mist. I heard JJ Abrams is directing it.

I am so excited to see this movie, whatever the hell it is. Here’s a very badly taped version of the trailer:

And it’s supposedly not Godzilla. The title “Cloverfield” is just a working title and the actual title might be “1-18-08” instead of that being a release date. Here’s the official website:

Funny how it sounds EXACTLY like the Smoke Monster on LOST. So help me, if this turns out to be some meta-clue/tie-in/very expensive advertisement for Lost, I think I might have to hurt someone. :mad:

Darabont’s doing The Mist. I have high hopes. :smiley:

The noises in the trailer sounded like the noises in War of the Worlds. Looks intriguing!

AMC played Das Boot this last weekend. In the special “interesting trivia shown at the bottom” version, they mentioned that the cramped confines of the set (interior Uboat shots) meant that those shots had to be done with little hand held cameras.

There was not much jittery-ness, or focus problems, that I recall. It can be done.

OT: I just tried to go confirm this on, but their http is highjacked, I think. I keep getting rerouted to Tsk tsk tsk. You troublesome little internet gnomes…

Sorry. I was responding to this post, in the other thread on this subject: