COD4 360 Clan

Well, since the PS3 thread doesn’t have people jumping all over themselves to join I figure this will die a quick death. But here I go, anyone want to form a clan over on the 360 server? I play at least once a week and but if T.V. sucks I play almost every week night typically 7-9 MDT.

Yo. I’m in. I don’t play the crappy game all that often, but if people want to play, I’ll play.

What we should do is use a Silver account and send friend requests via that. That way we can use the Friends of Friends feature to see the Silver account’s list. That’s very helpful for me. I have 99 friends on my list right now.

Works for me send me a request I use the same name I’m not creative.

I’d be more than willing to join up with you guys. Haven’t been playing much lately, but playing with people who aren’t dipshits might cure that. Gamertag is the same as here.

ok, I just sent you a friend request static. Least what’s your profile name?

i dixon tufar i

I guess you think you are cool, huh? Taking my idea and making it all successful while my thread dies like, uh, a thing that dies a slow and painful death? I hope you end up playing a bunch of middle schoolers who are all using Juggernaut and Martyrdom.

Man, that’s just cold. Don’t you hate it when their voices crack while their talking shit about pwning you? You know Maxx you could be cool and buy a 360 and join us.

So what are we going to name this clan?

I’m in, if you take old farts. XBL name “Raza B”. I think I’m rank 28ish (it’s been a few weeks since I’ve played).

I got killed by some kid named poopjuice last night. You know embarrassing it is to be killed repeatedly by someone named poopjuice?

I already have a PS3 and the kids have a Wii. Mrs. Maxx has drawn the line as far as consoles are concerned. My BIL plays on X-box Live too.

It’s easier to ask forgiveness than beg for permission, you know…

I just tried to add you but your friend list is full. Damn your popular with those prepubesent boys. :smiley:

Believe it or not, I’ve mostly got older folks on my list. Lack of space is why I brought up creating a Silver account. Then I could delete Raza and put on the SDMB list.

Ya that makes sense. I don’t have a silver account does any one else?

You can make a Silver account through the Xbox itself. You tell it if you want to make it a Silver acount or a Gold account.

We’ve got 112 views in this thread, so it seems that there are plenty of interested parties that want to play.

To explain how it works again: someone creates a Silver account and calls it “AAA SDMB COD4” (the AAA is to make sure it’s at the top of the list of offline friends). Interested parties send a friend request to that Gamertag. Whomever is running that Gamertag accepts the requests. After the request has been okayed, you will see “AAA SDMB COD4” on your list. Hit “A” on that friend, hit right, then hit “A” aain to “view friends”. Then you’ll see everyone that’s a friend of AAA SDMB COD4. Then you go down the list, see who’s online, and send party invites out accordingly.

Counting Silver accounts on my Gamertag, I’ve got about 300 people on my Friends List.

Sounds easy enough, I’ll give it a try tonight, unless someone else wants to run this thing.

I came in to see if I can do it as well. As a suggestion: do we want to make it Call of Duty-specific? Maybe we’d get more people if it were just a general SDMB Gamertag.
I vote for the general one.

How are we looking for this?

Ya, a general would be good. Sorry, I missed you post yesterday. I haven’t been on to set up the COD4 one but if you want to do a general it will probably be more popular since COD4 is getting older.