Coldfire please change your name

Rest assured, I am Jeff.

In fact, I contain 35% more Jeff than other leading Jeffs.

I am Czech, but not entirely.

I would be more accurately called 50%Czech25%Norwegian25%Irish-French-English-GermanMaster401k.

However, in all honesty, I am not a master.

And I don’t know what the hell the 401k has to do with anything.

11 more steps and we’ll all be better people.

Should I ask?

While the confessional is open, I’d like to admit that my name isn’t Gary, and I’m not a Kumquat.

Other than that my name is completely accurate.

I’m not a character from a Guy Gavriel Kay novel, but I play one in my head.

Good cunting, evestable. I’m not as think as you drunk I am.

I am not a real sailor but I play one in the bedroom. Is that ok?

I am not electronic, nor am I a holy day, either saturday or sunday.

I reserve the right to be any of the other days of the week, however.

I am jim; I just enhanced myself at each end.

I am not Gregory Peck’s left nostril.

Sorry Libertarian I now see what you mean. The confessions won’t stop.

Therefore, E-Sabbath I hereby dub thee…Acustic Thursday!

Well, FUCK IT! I AM Bill, and I AM an Uncle! So FUCK OFF all you LIARS!

[sub]I think this post has more coding than text[/sub]

I figured Coldfire was a typo:

My understanding is that our Moderator buddy from the far north was going to name himself after a famous ritual: As the story goes, in Amsterdam, back in the day, there was a festival wherein the bones of creatures eaten the previous year were burned so as to thank the Gods for their bounty and summon more of those animals for the coming year.

Well, as everyone knows, he loves fish and burned a lot of fish-bones, hence the name Codfire

PS: In the interests of not causing emotional trauma to our OP, [b}BZ000oooOOO000OOO**, I am not, in fact, a talking wolf, the son of Loki who will bite of Tyr’s hand, be chained and eventually devour the world.

Just in case you were confused or something.



It’s not true.


There’s absolutely no evidence but it’s a scientific fact that, were we to reverse the Earth’s spin, fire would be cold and ice would be hot. I’m not sure what sort of noise this would make.

Strange… I thought it was supposed to have been Clogfile - alluding to his hobby of making traditional wooden shoes utilising only a rasp.

For the record, I fully intend to eat EVERYTHING!


He used to make inflatable shoes, but he was worried that he might pop his clogs.