Columbus OH area Dopers: Comfest Dopefest!

Comfest (community festival) has been going on since the sixties, and now boasts about 200 bands in the three days it runs. It’s free. They sell beer and wine. There are dozens of food vendors and merchants. I’ve made a weekend of it ever since I first went.

This event eclipses any and all other central Ohio events, including the Jazz and Ribs festival, the Arts festival, Red White and Boom, and the Armenian goat-roast that takes place at rest stop 45.

This thing also has the coolest, most laid-back vibe of any event I’ve ever been to. Seriously. I’ve never seen a fight there, and have yet to see anyone arrested (despite public toking and such).

It’s 3 days long. Friday is the slow day, Saturday is the busy day, and the Jazz stage on Sunday night is where people go when they don’t want the party to end. I’ll be there all three days, barring tragedy.

Depending on feed-back (if there is any) we can choose a day to meet, and I can choose an appropriate place in the park in which to meet. The thing in the upper right is a lake [sub]pond[/sub].

I can suggest bands to those that express a preference to any type of music. I can also gain passage to numerous after-parties, should anyone else want to go to them.

This is about as casual as a Dopefest gets, you bring nothing and have no obligations. The food and booze is provided by the vendors, and there’s music to suit every taste. I’d love to meet some area Dopers, but if they’re shy, please come anyways and enjoy the event.

I can’t help in the way of accomodations, but I can assist any travelers with my knowledge of the area. More later.

I can say, even though I’m only a guest, it’s quite possible that I could be there.
specifically, right now, I assume I will be working, but if not, C-bus isn’t the furthest drive. I live south of Columbus down 23 allllllll the way to the river…haha

But, anyways…Columbus is always worth a trip (I enjoy Little Brothers, as well as Andyman’s)

anyways…keep me posted…I’d love to be involved if I’m not slaving away…

Litte Brothers? Andy mans?

We are the same people.

There are three days to choose from, I will be there for each. Let us high-five on one of those days. So it is written.

A Comfest Dopefest sounds like fun, and I’d like to go. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to, though. I’m very much bogged down with schoolwork right now, and I’ve got some deadlines coming up pretty quick.

Let me know when and where you guys are meeting up, though, and maybe I’ll be there.

June 23rd, 24th, and 25th, are all game.

The fest is worth a bit of travel. It beats most of the fests that I went to in California.

200 bands, tons of food, art vendors, beer, music, beer, and food. Also, wine.

Be there or be L7.

Did I mention it’s free?

Although I live in Columbus, I’m sorry to say that I can’t come: I’ll be out of town, for work reasons, the whole weekend. But I’d love to come next time you organise something in Central Ohio.

Ha. I’m visiting Columbus the week after. What a coincidence.

I must say…if I’m not off work, I’ll have to try to get off.
I mean, free is the key word…

I miss comfest, it used to be the same weekend as the gay pride fest which made it double fun. Ah well, I guess the trade off of SoCal weather is worth it. :wink:

Less than a week away now.

So, yeah.

There’s that stuff that I said, and uh, things will be there.
[sub]Actually I feel bad for those not attending, their loss…[/sub]

It starts tomorrow at noon. I’m volunteering for a security shift tomorrow night, so Saturday would be the best day for me to meet anyone there should they want to. I’ll be there Sunday too.

It’s free, it’s fun, there’s food, bands, and beer. for more details.

You won’t regret going, I promise. Hope to see you there!

If anyone happens to go tonight, I’ll be wearing grey shorts and a blue Giants shirt. I answer to Dave. Later.