Come everyone on the SDMB it is time to rape a rich girl - The bitch is asking for it

Come it is so much fun to make fun of a girl who is so out of it that she doesn’t know what is happening being fucked. Come she is rich so it is funny. Everyone knows if you are rich you deserve to be raped. Fuckin’ skank. And since it is ok to make fun a girl being raped, I guess raping a girl is ok, too? So let’s go rape a rich girl. Come everyone on the SDMB it is time to rape a rich girl.

Since when did that tape depict rape? Or you refering to the rape of her dignity?

hmmm isn’t NY Post a tabloid that would make up ‘facts’ like that?

If it’s not my deepest apologies.

However I think it’s disgusting that anyone would post a private sex video anywhere.

well, I think most of the dopers were playing on the idea of this shallow person doing something stupid and having to pay the price for it. I think all in the other thread will agree rape is completely diffrent.

If I rape a rich girl, does some of her richness rub off on me? 'Cuz I just really wanna be rich.

Agreed. But we really can’t rely on th Post for facts.

So if she’s a skanky slut who just happened to have passed out during the scrogging it’s okay to hunt for the clip online, right?

There were folks from the SDMB looking for this?

Ya know, there’s a lot of porn out there-- It would take me a long time to get so bored I had to virtual-stalk someone.

I, for one, said that if Paris was semi-conscious then the tape may depict criminal activity. Or it may depict a really drunk girl having sex with her boyfriend (he was her boyfriend at the time).

And it’s not the fact that she’s rich that has everyone saying “good for her”. It’s the fact that she’s a skank who concievably would make a video tape of herself having sex. That’s not hard to believe, what with that snatch shot of her roaming around.

The NY Post (that crappy paper that I’ve Pitted more than once for it’s less-than-shoddy journalistic tendencies) has her parents take on the tape. What does Paris have to say about it?

The article does say it appears. We don’t know (and probably won’t, either) what really happened.

The fact that she probably “medicated” herself mitigates the situation somewhat.

Victims are often powerless people who are left without choices.

Paris Hilton has power in the form of money, fame, and (relative) good looks. She is a likely candidate for experimentation with drugs (a choice) and she got herself a sleazeball boyfriend (also a choice).

Her parents are just trying to save face.

I think people who video tape themselves having sex, including the sweet natured, are assuming a certain risk.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened to someone, although probably a first for someone as sweet natured as Paris.

Paris Hilton partying to near coma? My last ideals shattered!

I’m not going straight to “rape” yet. I do agree that the Hilton fortune will probably prevent Rick – a real stand up guy, not – from making one on this tape. Not that he should make money off his scrogging skanky rich party hos while they are near comatose on drugs. I should. :wink:

Seriously though, Rick should have thought this one through a little better. I heard he and some other Hollywood “studs” (isn’t it funny when the male announcers have to read that on entertainment shows?) are going to tell all about a number of the women. Their medium for expression, surreptitious porno tapes of really intoxicated women. Correct me if I’m wrong.

My wife thought this was funny, BTW. Not rape. Being loaded, slutty, rich – and having it all caught on tape. Her take, not mine. Of course, I think this is horrible victimization of another plutocratic party heiress. :dubious:

Wow. I think I’m about to get into my first fight in the pit. So if she was stoned, she deserved what happened?

Yep. May I remind you that addiction is not a choice? Or do we have to get into that argument, too?

So sleazeball had his way with her, but maybe it’s okay 'cause she likes to get high? Or needs to get high?

Where’s that six-pack I had around here, I wanna get raped.

The official statement–“The release of a private tape between
a younger girl and her older boyfriend is more than upsetting”-- made by the Hiltons following the initial revelation seems to contradict the idea that she was raped.

Nowhere do they report that she was coerced, and certainly, when the Hilton camp is trying to show Paris into the best possible light here, the allegation of rape would come up. And it’s worth noting that other alleged viewers claim that Paris was doing that goofy head-tilt-look-up-to-the-left that she does every time she poses for pictures. That implies that she was conscious enough to play to the camera.

Now I’m off to the other thread to see if anyone’s speculated that Shannen Doherty is the one who slipped this tape to the media.

On preview: if you click on my clink, click the “No Thanks” button and you’ll be directed to the article.

That is, click on my link. Hands off my clink.

Seriously, what does Paris have to say about the tape?

Has anyone heard from her? She’s usually all over the place blathering on about. . .clothes and, um. . . parties. . … You know, I’ve seen her countless times on TV, yet I don’t remember what she ever said, so she may have made a statement about the tape and I just can’t remember what it was.

Perhaps another, more observant Doper has heard Paris’ comments about the video and can enlighten me.

Well, after reading that enlightening article (thanks sugaree) it doesn’t seem as if even her parents think it was rape.

Here’s what a representative for the Hilton’s had to say.

Paris’ comment on the video may very well be “Leave Rik alone!” Although it sure looks like Rik is the skankiest of them all.

Well, you can hit me first. IF you can show some reputable source that says she was an unconscious and unwilling participant. So far, you’ve got the NY Post, which certainly doesn’t count as reputable.

Being stoned does not equal unconsciousness. Neither does a bored and unaffected countenance. Nor does it excuse you from actions willingly entered into that may prove embarrassing later.

So, calm down and wait for facts.

I think people with boyfriends named Rick are assuming a certain risk. I mean, I just don’t think it’s right to be wishy washy in your opinions about people who get wasted and have sex on tape. It’s important to take a stand! Either these people deserve to be taped having sex and put on the internet or they don’t. And I don’t want to hear any whining about “oh I haven’t seen the tape, I don’t know what happened…I can’t make a judgement here.” If God had intended us to be well informed before we decided, He wouldn’t have given us such giant disproportionate brains. Or at the very least, He would have provided us with better quality gossip. But He has not. He knows that there are some natural facts we can use to form a solid opinion. Fact: NY Post reports some people are not enjoying what should have been solid enterntainment in the form of a celebrity sex video because it looks like the chick was too wasted to consent to sex. Fact: Her parents say, “don’t blame her, she’s the victim here!” Fact: someone is in the wrong.

Now, there are plenty of people who will let those kinds of shenanigans pass without deciding who is really wrong here. I’m not sure what their excuses are. Maybe they are “too tired,” “too busy,” “just not good at making decisions.” But really, as citizens of a community, we have certain responsibilites. Are we going to sit there and let people be upset about just anything? Public figures need to be held accountable for the validity of their unhappiness with the results of their behaviour. At the same time, boyfriends of celebrities must also be judged. Some of you may be saying, “well I think that’s why we have police and lawyers and professional judges.” Hello people! Do you honestly think that lets you off the hook? If you don’t take a stand for yourself, how will anyone know what YOUR values are? How will we know whether we are all on the same page? How will we bond as a group of people who share the same values and moral code? It would be chaos! Do you want to live in chaos? I don’t think so!

Think about it.