Commercials that you, actually like.

On TV, there is only one kind of commercial that I like watching.

There is a series of commercials about paying for something when you have bad credit or your checks always bounce.
One, a man appears to be just standing and staring, but is actually a guard. He lacks the red and black uniform because he couldn’t pick it up at the dry cleaners.
Two, a man could only afford to tattoo a few letters, and his arm says “Don” instead of “Donna”.
Three, a man tries to pass off a blank canvas as a great painting. He couldn’t afford to buy paints.
Two similar commercials, but I’m not sure if they fit.

There is a commercial about privacy on the internet. Some man walks against all the “traffic” on the sidewalk. People feel too close. Every stranger who bumps him speaks as though knowing who he is. {Earthlink}

I like most of the commercials on the radio…I’m not kidding.

Examples…weirdo tries New Age stuff like crystals and meditation to “psych” the salesman into giving them an insurance policy.
Man raves about how his cellular phone plan will save him money, and repeatedly ignores the person telling him to pay back money he owes.
Best Imitations of the recordings you get when calling company toll-free numbers. “Your call will be answered in approximately six and a half hours!”

This is NOTto be confused with supermarket announcement systems
“Buy now and save!”

There is an Immodium D commercial that involves a papersalesman in a hottub with these hot women who are fascinated by what he does. My friends’ husband sells paper filters so I find that spot particularly appealing.

I just saw one for Charles Schwab which shows an unnamed brokerage house giving a pep talk to its salespeople, trying to get them to unload shares of a real dog. The final line is “let’s put some lipstick on this pig.” I think it’s brilliant for the current environment.

I particularly enjoy the commercial for either a long distance phone service or life insurance (I forgot) in which a son and his dad are passing a football, and it speeds up over time until the son is in college on the other side of the nation. Clever, to the point, and doesn’t try to be funny.

A guy enters an elevator while spraying cologne on himself. As he comes out, another guy entering the elevator brushes against him. Then a (good-looking) woman enters. The elevator doors close. The two can’t keep their eyes off each other. Finally, the woman presses the button to stop the elevator.

The elevator doors enter and the woman comes out, the guy is has his hair all out of place and his jacket isn’t on straight. He straightens himself out, and just before the doors close again, but before they do, a hand holds them open again, a hand attacked to a (obviously gay) biker.

There’s two or three endings to that ad; there’s one with yet another attractive looking woman and one with a granny.

I love all the GEICO commercials, but my favorite…

An expensive car (not sure of make or model, it just looks expensive) is driving down a rural road. A squirrel scurries into the road, stands on its hind legs and looks at the car, then skitters off as the car swerves off the road to avoid it. We hear the car crashing, and the squirrel meets its homesquirrel at the shoulder of the road, and the two high-five each other, and do this secret squirrel handshake thing.

Any ad with bunnies in it.

But they must be real actual bunnies, not like that horrid fake thing they have in those Blockbuster ads.

The commerical which has the chef saying “Don’t eat the salmon!” I think its a Ditech ad or something.

“Some of you are feeling sorry for the little lamp. That is because you are crazy. It has no feelings. The new lamp is better.”



“In my opinion, there’s nothing in this world, Beats a '52 Vincent, and a red headed girl.” ~ Richard Thompson ~

The ad which features a young boy (Robert) running around the house, with mom trying to catch him. She stops in the kitchen, gets a glass of water, and some headache pills. She takes the pills (which dissolve on their own in your mouth - the point of the ad), grabs the boy as he runs past, says spit it out, and he spits out A LIVE GOLDFISH into the water glass.

The kicker that makes me love this ad? Mom’s line at the end:

“You’ve got to stop DOING this!”

Thea Logica, I’ll second you on the Geico squirrel ad. I swear I saw one trying to pull something similar yesterday!

My current favorite is the ad for Snickers Cruncher(?) where the guy is awoken at 6 am by a telephone solicitor, flies to where the guy is and jumps up and down on his computer. The tag line is, “Want an even more satisfying crunch?”


[sub]Love that duck[/sub]

Have you seen the one where a man is in a pet store trying to buy two bunnies for his daughter? The clerk has to spend so much time verifying the man’s credit or clearing his check or whatever (OK, so I don’t quite recall what the ad is for…), that the bunnies have multiplied several times over. My favorite part is when the clerk says, “I’ll have to phone this in.” Instead of the telephone receiver, he accidentally picks up a bunny and holds it to his ear. Cracks me up every time.

(Yes, I am easily amused.)

I like the cell phone commercials where the guy brings home Charo but the wife says " I want to go hiking tomorrow"

I also like the one where the guy has a VW bug on his mind.

I don’t have a TV so I don’t see many commercials, but here are some of my favorites:

  • the oxygen commercial with the babies throwing pink caps around
  • the geico squirrel ad (reminds me of that “weeeeeee!” song popularized on the net)
  • this ad I saw on a program about ads… a lady’s best friend was a mannequin, and so many crazy things happened (the mannequin got hit by a car and body parts went flying, the lady’s husband made fun of her for being friends with a mannequin but was secretly having an affair with the mannequin, etc.)

I like the newest one where the wife tells her husband to “bring home a movie…something old” and he brings home a monkey with a cold.

Much like Second Guest, I am easily amused.

Triskadecamus, I love that commercial, too! It makes me laugh every time I see it.

About a year and a half ago Volkswagen produced a commercial that, when I first saw it, immediately knew was brilliant. It’s the “Pink Moon” commercial for the Golf Cabrio.

I know this is weird, but I still remember the first time I saw the ad. About two thirds into it, the young people arrive at a party and pause to look at each other. Then the view shifts to the back of the car and you see the reverse lights come on. That’s when I knew this was a great ad. Then it finishes by showing the young people looking at each other, and looking up at the stars. Brillian stuff.

Global Citizen

Axe deodorant spray has two good sets of TV ads. There’s the elevator ones described above, and the mannequin ones: A woman is standing next to a (shirtless male) mannequin and gives the “New Axe deodorant spray…” spiel, then sprays some across the chest of the mannequin. Then one of several things happens. Usually, she gets a whiff of the deodorant and jumps the mannequin. In one variation, another woman walks past, and the first woman gets all protective and yells, “I know you ain’t lookin’ at my mannequin!”. Another time, she smells the deodorant, and her boyfriend runs up and punches the head off the mannequin; she then tries to calm him down, saying, “Tom, we were just talking!”. Both sets of ads are great; I generally pay attention in case there’s a variation I haven’t seen. Plus, they have the most audacious claim: That even trace amounts of their product will make you completely irresistible to women (and gay men).

I like the WB’s “Watch the frog.” commercials. Even the surrounding dialogue is fun: “Why do you think they call them teeth?”, etc.

My favorite commercial is about a year old - I haven’t seen it on TV for ages.

A package comes to the door and some kids in swimming suits run up and grab it. “The Monster Raft! The Monster Raft!” they shout as they take it to their dad, who is waiting by their enormous in-ground swimming pool in the back yard. He opens the box, pulls out the raft, and pulls the cord to inflate it as the kids watch and cheer. “The Mosnter Raft! The Mon—”

The fully-inflated raft is bigger then the pool!
Cracks me up just thinking about it!