Compare pictures from Holocaust with Gaza-pictures in a mail ?

The mail was sent from the Norwegian embassy in Saudi-Arabia

The pictures are here:

A fair comparison ?



No, but some of these pictures are truly shocking and deserve to be seen on their own. You probably also should have included a warning about the graphic nature of the pictures, some people might not want to see them (even though I think they should).

That really is bollocks. Any army which uses fencing, concrete bollards or guns are clearly Nazis! We have photographic evidence.

No. Not even close.

When they start rounding up the families and marching them to gas chambers maybe you’ve got something.

These pictures compars the things that took place at that time, and not the aftermath

Link not working. Try again later.

As to comparison, until Israeli start hanging people for hiding Palestinians, I say it’s sheer bullshit.

Works fine. I tried it 10 seconds ago

The comparison is stupid, ignorant and only helps divert the agument.

The Israeli’s have acted disgracefully in this affair. They may be guilty of war crimes. That is all up for debate.

They are not the 3rd Reich though and any comparison just shows up the person making it to be beyond rational argument.

No. Even if selected scenes in modern Israel may resemble scenes from Nazi Germany when taken out of context, that does not mean that it is fair to compare them in this way. It is dishonest to pretend that Palestinian terrorists do not exist, and that Israel is doing these things just to torment innocent civilians.

To be sure. After all the Jews started rounding up the Palestinians a few years ago and carting them off to concentration camps via trains. After that they started building their factories of death and processing the Palestinians through at a remarkable rate. They have managed to kill around 5 million so far, so they are still a touch below what the Nazis did…but since they are getting a pass from the rest of the world to work their nefarious plans it’s only a matter of time before they surpass Hitler!
I mean, what did you think, you idiot? Of COURSE it’s not a valid comparison. The link doesn’t work for me (it’s being blocked here at this customers site) but if it is showing people killed in Gaza due to the fighting then an APT comparison would be any of the numerous wars that were fought in the close proximity to a large civilian population. One could make a comparison between, say, Gaza and the bombing of Hanoi (though it would be a fairly unfavorable comparison to the mindset of idiots like the OP since it would show that the US was FAR more destructive towards the civilian population in North Vietnam than the Israeli’s have been). But the Holocaust?? Only a fucking idiot married to a spavined goat with 1 leg could even ask this question with a straight face.


What, um, everyone said.

On preview: especially xtisme.

I think the comparision is somewhat fair - because of what the pictures showes - and because of a statement made bye the israeli president Shimon Peres in january when he said “Israel’s aim [in attacking Gaza] was to provide a strong blow **to the people of Gaza **so that they would lose their appetite for shooting at Israel.”

Right…because that’s exactly what the Nazi’s said and the rationale they used during WWII wrt the Jews during the Holocaust! All they wanted was for the Jews to stop shooting at them so they could live in peace…

:smack: You are either an idiot and clueless about history or…well, I can’t think of an alternative. So…you are an idiot and clueless about history.


So you have strong opinions about some pictures you haven’t seen?

I’m not a junior mod, so I won’t say what I was thinking of saying, and I do agree that the OP was of the disingenuous so, what’s everyone think, variety, when starting a meaningful discussion was not the intent. To be specific, post no. 1 suggests the OP has no clear position on the question posed, whereas post no. 14 makes it clear he does. I think a fair rule for GD is if you have already taken a side, lay that out from the outset.

I’d also like to know whether the Norwegian government knows someone’s using the auspices of their embassy to circulate graphic and politically-themed polemics. Not very . . . diplomatic.

Oh bloody hell…I thought this was the pit! :smack: Apologies. I’ll bow out now.


Ditto. Ridiculously mild, but ditto.

It became an issue in Norway and Israel today