Computer advice sought - can receive e

Computer advice sought - can receive e-mail, but can’t send it., the title should have read.

A computer question - we are staying in a rented apartment (don’t ask!) and we have internet access through a cable modem. I can connect to the internet with no problem, I can download my e-mail, but I can’t send e-mail through Thunderbird. I can use webmail, but I hate my server’s interface.

MacBook Pro, Thunderbird The specific hang-up is when I type Send, it says Connectin to smtp.(my server) and grinds away at it for 2 or 3 minutes then tells me 'the message could not be sent because connecting to smtp.(my server) failed. No, I haven’t messed with any of its settings since we left home. Could there be some sort of firewall to prevent my sending mail from a connection that isn’t the same server as my e-mail address? This is starting to bug me…

It sounds to me like SMTP is being blocked by the ISP. ISP’s will do this as a spam prevention technique. I’m not sure there is much you can do about it.

The server could be down, I would try another smtp server, if one is available. But I suspect the ISP won’t let anyone send email through their server if they’re coming from another ISP.

You need to modify your outgoing server.

From within your ISPs network, you can use smtp on port 25 without authentication for all email, as the ISP trusts you, and can shut you off the network if you abuse their email system (like sending spam to millions of people).

From outside their network (as you are now), they do not trust anyone unless they are sending mail to someone inside their network. However, they should provide the ability to connect to an authenticated smtp server (port 465 or 587) with your username/password and relay mail to anywhere.

Call your ISP support desk and find out the address/port of their authenticated smtp server.


Many thanks, that got it in one! You’ve improved my month immeasurably.