Computer-related: How come my name is in files?!??!

I decided it would be a gas to look up my last name on my (Windows) computer in the content field of the Find program. It’s a 6 letter name, and it’s not common.
It was in more than 10,000 files! Every image file and so many other files.
How did it get in there??!? The programs I used to create most of those aren’t even registered to my real name, and when I register for things, I seldom use my last name.

When you first got your PC and booted it up, you probably gave the OS your real name. Most Windows programs pick up that information, and bury it in the files they create.

A couple of places to look, at least in Windows XP: call up the control panel and choose System - you might find that you registered XP with your real name. Also call up User Accounts - you might have used your real name as the Computer administrator.