Condo noise....

Wondering if anyone can offer advice:

Have a dog for about a week and a half. Go out Sunday for 2 1/2 hrs. Dog barks. Neighbor doesn’t like it. Neighbor knocks on my door, inncreasing level of barking. Neighbor calls doorman, doorman says, hey dogs bark, it misses its owner. Neighbor gets rude, doorman hangs up. Neighbor gets angrier, calls cops. Tells cops dog barking since 6am and is being abused. (Totally false, sleeping at 6am and no abusing). Tells mgmnt co that dog barking since 7:30am (a different story). Dog only barked when I was gone. Tells mgmnt co that I have been doing construction at all hrs - totally false. Neighbor calls mgmnt corporate office to complain that bldg mgmnt didn’t take him seriously (doorman hung up on him). Mgmnt wants me to quiet dog, to somehow “train” her to not bark (perhaps with a collar that shocks the dog when it barks ?). I say, hey, bldg is pet friendly, and it is implied that if you buy and know this, you accept that animals may make noise. Plus walls are terrible and we can hear everything from everyone. Next day neighbor complains that dog “whinning” at 5pm, just before I get home (probably wnated to go out). I provide stimulation to the dog (TV, lighting, toys, etc…), but I say that the only way it will stop is for it to get used to my schedule and it’ll take time.

This neighbor is getting pothers to call and complain (there have been no other complaints until after he did) and now I think any little noise and he will pounce. Is there any recourse I may have (other than chg him with filing a false police report) to stop this ? Anyone know what side the law comes down on, given that the bldg allows 2 animals per unit and there are many dogs in the bldg (and mine is not the only one that barks) ??

Thanks in advance…

Check your condo rules about pets very carefully, know your rights inside and out. Document all of the lies your neighbor told. Make sure the Police know the report was false.

The law will side with whatever rules you agreed to.