WOW… This one couldn’t be more right up my alley… Over a year ago, I started to realize I had feelings (sexual and otherwise) for a friend who was not so happily married… I also have the same ideas about and respect for marriage and monogamy (my parents got divorced out of the blue when I was 14, no visible problems, and that created a strong distaste for cheating) So I tried a number of different tactics to forget about my feelings… Avoidance worked very poorly, as the more time I spent away from her, the more time I wanted to be with her… Immersion therapy worked poorly as well… The more time I spent with her (to try to find flaws and realize my feelings were silly) the more I wanted to be with her… The one thing that finally took care of the longing was telling her. Yep, it solved the problem… But not in the way you’d think.
So we’ve been dating now for over 7 months, she’s in the process of getting a divorce, and both our lives have completely changed… In the end, I think for the better. There is, of course, a lot more to it than that… There have been great times, but there have also been trials and tribulations as well. All in all, though, we’re both really happy. We’ve been through most of the hard times that come with a relationship of this sort, so we’re looking forward to better times, as well…
As for my principles on dating, marriage, and cheating… Well, principles are only useful if they’re sometimes tested… In other words, this will either make or break your principles on cheating… For me, it’s changed my ideas on what makes a relationship… The fact that my girlfriend is still married at this point has become something of a sidenote, because even when I told her, she and her husband were living apart and their marriage was nothing more than a piece of paper… This may be a rationalization, but I still feel that I wouldn’t cheat on her with anybody, and I trust her to do the same because I know how she felt as well…
However, after saying all of this, I’m not necessarily advocating telling her about your feelings. There are many different reactions she could have… Telling her will change everything between the two of you… For better or worse (or both)… If she goes for it, what do you expect to become? Would you want to have a relationship with her, or just a little something special on the side? Would you expect her to divorce? Would you want her to? Would you be able to reconcile your principles with your actions? Would you be able to trust her after she’s cheated on her husband? Alternately, she might not respond with similar feelings… Are you prepared to deal with the loss of a friendship, should it come to that? It’s a calculated risk… And I suggest that you seriously consider these questions before you do anything… I went into my situation unprepared, and thankfully it’s worked out well for me, but had I been more prepared, I think the situation might have been quite a bit easier.
In any case, I’ll tell you that for a man of your principles, sneaking around will be the worst guilt you’ve ever carried… I hope I’ve helped a little bit…