November 11, 2002, 12:20am
So I happened to flip on Connie Chungs show on CNN last week, I think it was Wednesday night and she’s slowdancing with Rod Stewart and giving him that make out with me look!!!
EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
What the hell is wrong with you Connie??!!
At some point in your career, I considered you a serious journalist.
What the hell happened?
It was just AWFUL.
She lost all credibility when she married Maury Povich.
she lost all credibility when she interviewed newt gingrich’s mother
She lost all credibility when she asked Martina Navritoliva why she doesn’t just go back to where she came from.
November 11, 2002, 1:08am
Especially since the country Martina Navratilova came from doesn’t exist any more.
Incidentally Connie Chung’s Credibility, or CCC for short, would make a spectacular band name.
Sad, I used to really like her as well, but she’s got nobody to blame for her lost credibility but herself.
Still, I’d like to Wang Chung tonight.