Hey, assholes, you’re supposed to report news, not try to manufacture it!:rolleyes:
It’s like some sort of media conspiracy of the type so many stalwart citizens of this board are all to keen to decry the merest straining-at-gnats suggestion of .
They’ll be along any second now, Indignation set to Righteous, I’m sure.
How cunning of them to unearth a video that was broadcast by every major news outlet in the country. I’m just surprised it wasn’t the ACORN-Pimp that broke the story.
I’ve been picking up whispers that Obama may be black, a Muslim. Maybe both. And has anyone seen his birth certificate?
I’ve heard that Obama has fathered two black children.
And he lives in government-funded housing!
This just in: 2008 wants its controversial Obama issue back.
I hear the conservative freedom fighters discovered this video on something called “Yoo Toob.” There’s an “e” in there somewhere, I think it’s silent, but there’s a slight chance it’s pronounced “Yoo Toobee.” The video had apparently been “uploaded” to this Internet website five years ago, so it’s very current. You’ll have to go to http://www.askjeeves.com to search for more information on it.
Well, 2008 can suck it. Why is 2008 so greedy?
And the government pays him to live there!
Our President is among the 47%!
Bet the guy gets a government car too. We should all be so lucky.
A plane? He gets a plane? Obama must be the biggest welfare queen in the country!
How is this supposed to hurt Obama?
Are there actually a statistically significant number of racists who were thinking, “Well, it’s OK that a mulatto is President, but now I know that he pointed out to black people that New Orleans didn’t get treated real well post-Katrina, I’m going to vote for Romney! How dare Obama pander to the audience he’s speaking to instead of white folks like me!?”?
Because, see, if a video of Romney hurt Romney, then a video of Obama has to hurt Obama. It’s the commutative property of videos.
And it was between this video and one of Obama dressed as Zorro for Halloween when he was 6. They’re saving that for the second debate, where it will have more impact.
This video is stupid and only offends people looking to get offended.
I can see the possibility of it getting traction if only because of something I like to call the ‘Jesse Jackson handicap’. Jesse Jackson would never be elected president because he has spent so much time fighting for civil rights for African Americans, civil rights infractions against African Americans is all he sees or is suspected of seeing. A president must represent and protect all of us.
I’ll say it again, the video is weak tea served at Da Stoopid Kafay.
The idea is to create an impression in the minds of people who aren’t paying that much attention that both sides are finding all kinds of videos that make the other side look bad. It will probably work, but this one is such an epic fail that the fail seems to be a bigger story than the video itself.
I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be outraged about in this video. Obama talks a little more “black” when he’s addressing an audience of black preachers? That’s shocking, as long as you’ve never met anyone with any kind of an accent before.
So the truth finally comes out that Obama is a black Democrat. Pack it in guys, it’s all over now.
This is just the break the McCain campaign has been waiting for!
Even Clinton talks a little more black when she’s addressing an audience of black preachers.