So although **Silverfamily ** went granola some time back, e.g., organic foods, lots of fruits and vegetables, no high-fructose corn syrup, soft drinks or aspartame, blah blah blah, I still get that hankering now and then to indulge myself in processed convenience store food. Yeah, maybe bad for your body but sometimes so good for your soul.
For example: I’ll snarf my way through a 7-Eleven egg salad sandwich on white bread loaded with mayo. I inhale those suckers so quickly the plastic wrap is still floating through the air on down to the floor when I’m done. Yeah, sometimes it freaks out the store clerks to hear the Tasmanian devil-type growlings, but what are you gonna do?
Another one of my addictions: root beer. Just can’t give it up. I’ll get a frosty tall one and add various flavor mixes from the cool “make your own flavored drink” fountains at the convenience stores.
Those damned Rice Krispie treats. Damn them for being so crunchily deee-lish!
So, though I worked long and hard to transition the family over to a healthy eating lifestyle, there are times I give in to the junk foodie monster. I gotta throw her a bone now and then or else she might try to overthrow me permanently.
So, what’s your favorite treat from the corner convenience store?
There’s only one commercial candy bar which tempts me, and it is not carried at many places. But God help me, I will sometimes see it at a convenience store. It’s the “Annabelle’s Rocky Road”, which hits me in my weakest place. I’m a marshmallow-aholic, and I love the melty, non-waxy milk chocolate with which the marshmallow is covered. Drool.
Ok. I’ll be the first to admit it. My convenience “Crack” is Little Debbie “Nutty Bars”. Peanut butter and wafers covered in chocolate… and they are only 25 cents too. You can’t go wrong, I tell you! I go to pay for my gas and there they are calling to me:
“Eat me, Dragwyr! Eat me now! I full of peanut-buttery chocolately goodness.”
I’ll tell you, if it weren’t for “Pay at the pump”, I’d be 100 lbs heavier.
Radioactive orange death is baby formula compared to Cheetos. Cheetos aren’t even really food. What are Cheetos anyhow? Corn shavings deep-fat fried and thickly coated with neon orange goo that has to be scraped off your fingers.
Or licked. Licked slowly. Licked hard. Concentrate on the licking. The salty licking.
so, yeah, mine would be Cheetos.
With Diet Pepsi. So chemicals, basically.
Seductive, addictive, sexy chemicals.
I should so go to re-hab…but they wouldn’t let me have Diet Pepsi…
Oh man, I love Chef Boyardee. I guess it’s because my dad liked the stuff when I was a kid but I really do like the stuff, no matter which “variety” it is. (Let’s face it. It’s all the same thing really. Same “pasta”, same “sauce”, same “meat.” Just reshaped and renamed.)
Lemonheads. They sell half-packs at the student union for 35 cents. During finals week, I can hork down upwards of $4-5 a day – it’s not pretty. I don’t indulge often, because I know I’ll be jonesin’ for more in half an hour or so.
I don’t serve hot dogs at home - heck, everybody knows what’s in them, right?
But danged if I can’t walk past the little roller-grill at the Tom Thumb zippy-mart without getting one of those tasty franks, or a smoky dog, on a fresh bun, nekkid.
They also sell bags of the most aptly-named snack product ever - Munchies.
And thanks a lot - now I must stop there on the way home from work.
Munchos, Seagram’s Ginger Ale, Cherry Icees, those microwave in a bag bbq sandwiches you only find at gas stations and convenience stores, nachos, and if its a White Hen, cheddar mac salad. Sometimes I go a little crazy and drink an ice cold milk with my Munchos - nothing quite like sucking major salt and guzzling ice cold milk - YUMMMM.