I purchased a small restaurant this week. I am quite excited and will be opening in about a month or so. I have just been having problems picking out the name. I dont want to stick with the current name for many reasons.
Here is the info to help in choosing a name.
It is gonna be on the Homer Spit. If you have never been here or heard of it it is a great place. Views of several volcanos and the currently avtive Augustine, eagles, fishing, trails, otters, wales, moutains. I could go on for a long time about the things you can see and do in The Spit. But I wont you can do a little search and ask questions if needed.
My restaurant is kinds small like most of the others on the spit. I do have one of the best views of the active harbor. The board walk it is on is called Harborview Boardwalk but this is not labled as such and most of the locals dont even know it.
Most of the available food on The Spit is Fish and Chips, Pizzia and Burgers. I was planning on departing from that and going a bit more on the fresh side and hints of a city type bistro. Panini, fresh shucked oysters, wide range of salads; green, pasta, grain, fruit, exc, fresh squessed juices and mostly daily specials.
I have been stumped a bit on the name though. The following have been considered.
“Bistro on the Spit”
“Harborview Cafe” “Harborview Bistro”
“Homer Spit-Fire Grill”
I want to sound fresh and inviting. But not at all pretensious. I also dont want a name to box me into any one type of food or cooking. The names I have thought up are ok but not really getting me there. At the end of the day it wont really matter all that much as The Spit is packed with people for over 100 days and I could call it Sector 56 and sell hotdogs on tridents and still do just fine.
I like the Spit-Fire Grill idea. Maybe go a little big further, and be less descriptive: you’re in Alaska, and you’re next to a volcano. How about Ice and Fire? Implies fresh seafood and grilling in addition to the geographical features.
I visited the Spit last April, just before the season opened. Seeing what your competition is, I’d go with a classy name so the customers like me would know you’re not serving the same greasy carnival food as the rest of the boardwalk. I’m partial to Harborview Cafe or Augustine Bistro, the latter having more cachet. Please DON’T use The Eagle’s Nest. And I hope to visit when I figure out what to do for the summer.
PS-Do you have outdoor seating? If so how do you keep the eagles away?
If there’s otters in the vicinity, why not run with that? Everybody likes otters. Maybe something like “Otters’ Romp,” or “Otters’ Raft.” Or perhaps “The Otter’s Nose,” which suggests discriminating olfaction, and might also earn you points from anyone familiar with Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Plus the otter theme would present an easy choice of decor. Empty spot on the wall? Just slap up another picture of an otter! Easy as pie, and the kids will love it.
Or in keeping with the volcano theme, how about “Pyroclastic Flo’s?”
Wow! Three great ones. “Spit Swallow” I will now answer with that during The Shorebird Festival when approached with the question, “What kind of bird is that?”
By the way I use to hunt Double Breasted Sap Suckers but now I just admire them.
Kachemak Cafe’ is a great name but unfortunatly a variant is taken by a good friend of mine. K-Bay Cafe’ I know it is kinda different but he is a great friend.
Funny you mention that name. There use to be a restaurant/Bar on the Spit named the Odyssey. When I first moved here I was a drunkard and hung out there all night. It was open for one season and burned down right after summer. I have been sober now for 8 years. I think I will leave the Odyssey behind.
I will likly be open just for the tourist season. The Spit really closes up during the winter. I will stay open for as long as feasable though.A full month before and after the Tourist season or maby a little more.
Well That is why I am gonna depart from the Fried Food and Burger and “Carnival” food. Thanks for the input. Dont worry I wont call anything Eagles Nest or the like.
The eagles are fat and happy. I have never heard of an eagle taking anyones food.
There are stories of them eating small pets. I do have outdoor seating.
I want to first thank you for taking the time to post here and offer up your suggetions. You may verry well be right about the otters and the attraction they command. I on the other hand have had quite enough otter depictions. I still get excited seeing one in the water but that is about enough I could not work in an otterfied envoroment. If I could I know it would be successfull. I have an Artist friend…
Memories… I used to camp on the spit every Easter. Nobody there and colder than a Wiccan’s mammary, but a great place to relax and be one with your soul. But a place to get a decent nosh would have been appreciated.
The Ilium Cafe
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