Corey Lewandowski

That is Washington Post reporter Ben Terris, and he has consistently supported Michelle Fields’ account.

If the Secret Service had considered her to be a threat, they would have done something about it. They didn’t.

Other then the question about about the Secret Service’s behavior (which, since she wasn’t tackled, makes me think they did not consider her a threat), this post reflects what pretty much any other campaign would have thought:

  1. Defuse the situation with a basic apology
  2. If you want to hold a grudge against her, limit the access she has to your candidate

I wonder if the police would have charged him if the reporter hadn’t pressed charges?

They didn’t what? Keep an eye on the woman with the black hair and whatever color jacket who was grabbing Trump?

You make it sound as if this were some sort of sexual assault?

After listening to the internet, I’m beginning to get the impression that Lewandowski had ripped the reporter’s arm off and beaten her to death with it.

A few months ago a short, nearsighted, 45-year old woman may or may not have shoved a photographer while calling for “some muscle” to deal with him during a demonstration. She has since pleaded guilty to assault, sentenced to community service and put on probation, and been fired by her employer.

Would anyone who thinks what Cory Leandrowski is accused of doing is no big deal also like to defendMelissa Click?

Hey. Excellent comparison, kunilou.

I’m not aware of how many threat levels the Secret Service, or Trump’s private detectives/bodyguards, uses to describe the individuals who engage their charge. Active threat? Active shooter? Possible threat? Nice hooters? Person most likely to get an invite to a drunken secret Secret Service servicing?

I apologize for touching you after you touched Trump. :cool:

I’m sorry your boyfriend squeezed your arm and left bruises but why blame me? :confused:

I assume that it wasn’t only the now crippled reporter, and/or her angry boyfriend, who pressed for police to lay charges against somebody associated with Trump’s campaign. Since no police officer saw this alleged battery occur, someone would have had to request charges. Now the reporter gets to prove that these horrible, disfiguring, scars were caused by Lewandowski.

The Lewandowski case hasn’t seen the inside of a courtroom, yet. Click is supposed have plead guilty with a plea deal that kept her out of jail. Click seems like such an angry person.

Henrickson said that the board respects Click’s right to express her views and support students expressing their own views. But Click is not “entitled to interfere with the rights of others, to confront members of law enforcement or to encourage potential physical intimidation against a student,” she said.

No. There’s video of him grabbing her. That’s all that’s needed to prove battery. Where she got the bruises might change the penalty but Lewandowski is hosed.

She also showed a picture of a bruise on instagram(at least I think it was instagram) so either she’s not only lying but decided to have someone give her a bruise to frame the guy or he really grabbed her hard enough to give her a bruise.

I know which I find more plausible.

It was Fields who filed charges. As evidence, the police looked at the video and at her bruise. Why don’t you quit posting from ignorance?

I mean, really. Your posts demonstrate that you don’t even have a nodding acquaintance with the facts of the case. Educate yourself.

It’s really not much of a case, except to the Democrat collective. The reporter filed a complaint (possibly after being pressured by Democrats to file a complaint), the police filed charges, now the reporter has to prove to a court that the bruise came from Lewandowski. If she can’t, or if the defense can introduce reasonable doubt, the charges will be dropped.

And I doubt that anyone will want to be interviewed by a reporter who files nuisance charges for being jostled in a crowd.

Both Cruz and Kasich have said that Lewandowski should be fired.

When you say “it’s really not much of a case” do you mean it’s not a very serious crime, or do you mean that it’s a weak case (in the sense of one not likely to result in a guilty finding)?

Because if you mean the former, I agree. But if you mean the latter, I think you are kidding yourself.

That’s one of the bizarre points of the whole thing.

  1. Breitbart Reporter gets grabbed
  2. She complains about the thing

Now, at this point, a basic apology would have sufficed (*Sorry I grabbed you. Won’t happen again *). Instead

  1. Trump’s campaign denies anything happened. Or if it did, it was not what the reporter said happened (even though there was at least one reporter who substantiated her claim)

Around this point, most people will get pissed for being accused of lying when they feel they have been wronged.

  1. Breitbart starts to back off from their own reporter, prompting several people to quit

Why is anyone surprised that after this chain of events the reporter would press charges?

And, again: a simple, private, apology would have defused the whole situation.

“It’s not much of a case”? It’s a criminal case, charges have been filed, there will be a hearing. It’s the very definition of a case.

It’s not a serious crime and it seems to be a weak case. (Plus I’m currently involved in an out-of-state death-in-the-family matter but that’s my personal issue.)

Does anyone think that Lewandowski will serve time for grabbing what’s-her-name’s arm? Will a judge fine Lewandowski dozens of dollars for grabbing an arm? Will a jury believe the bruise was a result of Lewandowski’s, or someone else’s, action? Will a judge be pissed that he had to make time on his overbooked schedule to hear this case?

You are kidding yourself. Video footage and a bruise on an arm? It’s not a weak case, it’s an open and shut case. You suggest that only the “Democrat collective” thinks it’s a strong case. I think you need to recalibrate those goggles you are wearing.

No. I think he’ll get an appropriate sentence for a first time offender for a relatively minor misdemeanor. Probably some community service and a fine. Hopefully, that will be enough to teach him not to do it again.

Oh, come on. This is what judges do. The bulk of a trial judge’s workload is exactly this type of small case.