Corey Lewandowski

According to the Cambridge Dictionary thesaurus some of the synonyms for grab are:

apprehend, capture, catch, clutch, collar, get your claws into, get/lay/put your hands on, grasp, pin, seize, snag, and snatch.

I believe all of these can be applied to this situation.

The reporter wasn’t where she was supposed to be, she managed to get her claws into Trump, Trump pulled away, the Secret Service didn’t see the snagging, Lewandowski did and responded by grasping the reporter, the reporter claimed she was injured, the reporter’s own photo(s) of her arm show no bruising (according to the prosecutor’s office), photos taken days later do show bruising, the reporters previous employer wanted it’s employees to get back to doing their jobs (maybe because they didn’t see conclusive evidence to support the reporter’s injury claim), the reporter preferred to quit and pursue her personal agenda, the FLA SA’s office, after looking at several videos, talking to participants and lawyers, and looking at the law, decided that there is insufficient evidence to proceed with this prosecution.

The reporter can proceed with a defamation claim but her former employer and the SA office will be called to testify. I don’t believe their testimony will help the reporters case.

Meanwhile, it’s easier to prove that someone lied when they are speaking under oath and subject to cross examination. A she sez/he sez scenario playing out by a biased media may result in a misunderstanding.

And what do you think that proves?

If she had actually “got her hooks” into Trump, why didn’t the SS agent do something?
Lewandowski was in a worse position to see anything than he was.

Have you even heard or read the statement by the prosecutor?
Or are you just twisting the shit out of the whole thing so you can feel you were right?

I even quoted and bolded the relevant parts so you couldn’t miss it.

(bolding mine)Someone’s got issues.

for historical reference -

for historical reference -

for historical reference -

for historical reference -

for historical reference -

for historical reference -

Who are some of the people who jumped on the let’s-blame-Trump-for-something-anything-everything bus? Here’s a partial list just from this thread.

Hahahaha. Yes, the reporter seems to have dedicated her life to becoming attached to the fame associated with this now dismissed case. I suggest she try sea kelp. It’s supposed to calm nervous conditions. I don’t know if it will cure self-imposed bruises.

Hahahaha. One wonders if you would have used the term “claws” if the reporter had been male.
No-I suppose one really doesn’t.

Delayed bruising.

It proves that the English language is fun to use.

Ask the Secret Service agent(s) what he saw or couldn’t have seen.

Lewandowski did see the reporter catch, clutch, collar, get her claws into, get/lay/put her hands on, grasp, pin, seize, snag, or snatch Trump.

OK, according to the quoted article, the Palm Beach County prosecutors said that while Lewandowski had grabbed Fields. It also said — contradicting the aide’s denials — the evidence was not strong enough to support a criminal prosecution.

Have you even heard or read the statement by the prosecutor that indicates that the prosecutor’s office, after looking at all the evidence, does NOT believe that there is sufficient evidence to even bring this case before the court? I wonder what the prosecutor’s office meant by that? Are they saying that after looking at all the evidence there is insufficient evidence to overcome reasonable doubt?

Hahahaha. You’re a hoot. I provided you with 14 synonyms for grab and you clutch at one and imply sexism. :rolleyes: Either way, the SA’s office found insufficient evidence to proceed with the reporter’s claim.

Sexism isn’t funny.

You can call any witnesses you chose to explain this medical phenomena to the jury. Except for the fact that there won’t be a jury. Do I need to explain why?

Then you probably shouldn’t have twisted this thread in order to introduce it. :smack:

As I quoted upthread, the prosecutor said Fields’ contact with Trump
was incidental.
Lewandowski was well to Trump’s left. He could not see what kind of contact Fields had with Trump.
Lewandowski said he never touched Fields. The prosecutor said he did and that is what he was arrested and charged with.
Lewandowski lied.

Do you understand this “medical phenomena”? Being human, have you ever personally encountered this “medical phenomena”? I know I have. Have you never had an occasion where a bruise got worse as time went by?

I’m guessing that the defense team’s version might not match that of the prosecutor. When the prosecutor calls you to the stand, be sure to speak clearly and distinctly. Oh wait a minute, it’s already been decided the evidence was not strong enough to support a criminal prosecution.

You don’t have to convince me. I’ve played ice hockey, football, rode motocross, trials, and enduros.

You have to convince the jury that the reporter didn’t create her own bruises. Assuming, of course, that the defense introduces the possibility that the reporter could have created her own visible bruise. Except, there won’t be a jury because…

Does that make that fact that Lewandowski lied disappear? Or do you think that because he got away with it, it’s o.k.?

‘For historical reference,’ and because I can’t wait to see what fantasy you spin out of this, what part of what I said was false or did not happen?

There seems to have quite a bit of confusion during the first few days (week?) of this scandalous international incident. :slight_smile: He said, she said, they said, those people said, these people said, yadda, yadda, yadda. Sometimes it takes little time and a little patience before the whole story finally comes out.

Confusion eventually gives way to facts, clarification, and credibility. Whether you approve of the end result or not.

It doesn’t appear that Lewandowski has gotten away with anything. Statements were made, charges were filed, and it appears that after looking at ALL of the evidence, the prosecutor’s office (group effort of many individuals) finds there is insufficient evidence to overcome reasonable doubt.

The reporter should receive an apology from Lewandowski right after she issues an apology to Trump for doing essentially the same thing to Trump that she claims Lewandowski did to her. :eek:

Originally Posted by Johnny Ace
The whole thing will be wrangled in the courts, I’m sure. To me, it fits the definition of battery, but the more interesting thing is the Scientology strategy the Trump campaign used after this was first reported. Deny and attack the accuser, and then obfuscate when you’re proven conclusively to be lying.

OK, since you asked. Was the whole thing wrangled in the courts? No. Why? Because, after looking at ALL the evidence, the prosecutor found there was insufficient evidence to proceed to trial. Reasonable doubt exists. Not for you, of course, but in the minds of others.

If Lewandowski’s touching of the reporter fits your definition of battery, then the reporter’s touching of Trump should also fit your definition.

What is this “Scientology strategy” you speak of? Do you believe any of the participants are Scientologists?

What had been proven conclusively? Not the early he said-she said made during the early part of this investigation/kangaroo court? That required further clarification.