Corny lyrics meant to be romantic from "our" generation

Never mind which “our” I mean. Yours, mine all of them.

Saturday night I was out with friends and they were laughing about a song that was playing on the radio. I don’t remember all the lyrics, but remember

“You are my angel, my darling angel, closer than my peeps you are to me” (general laughter)
“You were with me during my incarceration, I want to tell the nation my adoration” (more laughter.)

Don’t get me wrong. I laughed too. C’mon, this is what passes for romance? :slight_smile:

But my point is - I have to believe that our lyrics were every bit as corny and silly - especially to the old folks (which the gang from Saturday definitely count as.) So c’mon, what lyrics from your gernation do you look back on and shudder?

Shaggy’s “Angel”, the song in your OP, IS my generation even though I’m not a fan of reggae and/or R&B. Saying “baby” a dozen times per stanza just doesn’t do much for me.

The worst party is Shaggy’s “Angel” ripped the chorus note for note from another schmaltz fest Angel of the morning… which ALSO sucked.

Now we just need some Blink-sum41-oleander to do the punk-pop cover to get the trifecta.