Some folks say that I promote my website too much on this message board. (Fine if you feel that way, pit me for it).
Anyway, what happened to me recently warrants my mentioning it.
I sent an E-Mail to their abuse department about the outright plagiarism and the 3 “hotlinked” graphics they are using. (and I used the specific URL’s that are listed in this posting).
Their E-Mail reply stated that:
Oh and I sure did send those freewebs folks a reply. Among other things I said that although both sites use Comic Sans fonts, the offending site uses a slightly larger font size and different color and so it is “easy” to see how they could have overlooked this. :rolleyes:
What dumbfucks !!!
(I think my keepers are bringing my medication once again.)
But their site has pretty flowers and fluttering butterflies and everything. How can you say they’re stealing your content when anyone can see it’s so different?
Thanks for all those helpful replies.
Geez … the butterflies :smack: … and of course - when you think of Euclid you immediately think of the Ozzie background midi. :smack:
Wow, I owe those freewebs employees a serious heartfelt apology. :rolleyes:
This is a copyright violation and could be pursued in court. More to the point, it could be the grounds for sending them a letter mentioning the fact that we have copyright laws in this country and a legal system to make sure they are obeyed. For extra credit, send the letter on a law office’s stationary, complete with letterhead.
On the bright side, your page is better designed than that of the plagarist.
Ya know, I like butterflies. I have butterfly rubber stamps, paper punches, stickers, and note paper. However, there’s a time and a place for butterflies, and websites about math proofs are not such places!
Change the names of your graphics, and in place of the old files put copies of frightening pornography. That’s considered the proper approach to dealing with such bandwidth theft. Miss Manners wrote about it last week.
Well, it’s certainly a good way of punishing the offenders, but it can be little rough on innocent web users. I remember browsing a thread on something relatively innocuous on fark, with a few funny graphics sprinkled in among the huorous lines of text when suddenly :eek: .
I’m a moderately broad-minded chap, but an animated gif of a homosexual three-way is still a long way into my ‘bleach eyes AND brain’ zone.
I think you were whooshed. I read it as get a lawyer to send a cease and desist letter, but it does take some reading between the lines. I’d probably have phrased it similarly, so if that’s not what Derleth meant, I connected the wrong dots.
Thanks Zebra
Yes the transgressors have now met their comeuppance !!!
No doubt they received “The Word” that the Power of the SDMB would slowly but inexorably crush them.
Plus my use of the word “disembowel” in my second E-Mail really helped get my point across.
Now the 1 true website page remains. Sadly, it is the “sans butterfly” webpage.
Let us pause a moment for those butterflies that have passed away from the land of cyberspace.
Okay enough of that crap. Let’s get back to business?
Does .999… really equal 1?
Is George W Bush the worst president ever?
When is Mars going to appear as big as the Full Moon? (It happens every year around late August I think).
But seriously folks, thanks for all your replies. This was a Pit thread that was loads of fun. Thanks all.