Could you write a book?

I have written my first book in 1999 – 2006, and my second book in 2008 – 2014. I have started writing my third book in January 2016.

I have written my first book in September – October 2015, and my second book in November – December 2015. I will start writing my third book this week.

You have started writing a book long ago. You can also start this week.

I was published in about 2010 but not in fiction. I have been working on a fiction and screenplay for the past year. I get bogged down in research and details and have been considering abandoning the project. I had a small breakthrough last week that was somewhat motivating.

I’ve done it! (Which proves that anybody can do it!)

Good luck!

In what subject?

Sure, if they asked me…

I have written several for my own catharsis or the entertainment of my friends, but I’ve never attempted to publish, because I don’t think I could take the rejection.

A fantasy novel (“Urban Fantasy” subgenre.)

I think I have good ideas, and I think I have the talent (with a lot of effort) to achieve something readable.

But I have no self-motivation nor -discipline. And those are key.

Maybe if I was given a lot of money to cover living expenses, a comfortable quiet environment, and especially a looming deadline, I could motivate myself. But that doesn’t happen for first books.

Thanks. Technically I have published my first book by 2006, and my second book by 2014.

I have written these books in Fall 2015, but they are too controversial to be published yet.

I should have copyrighted the description of my state of mind.

Sure. I seriously doubt anyone would want to read it. I don’t even want to write it.

That sounds a lot like where I’m at. :o

I’ve got the skill, and when I focus I can write great stuff. At the moment, I have zero focus or motivation.

Plus my skin is very thin. I’m better than I used to be, but even the mildest negative feedback just guts me. :frowning:

My characters don’t care if I get published, though they would like it if I were to sit down and get a whole story out, I’m sure. :stuck_out_tongue:

I could write but ---- would anyone read it? Yeah – on some level I shouldn’t care but I love reading too much to really bother jotting down my own ideas.

You published them? Cool – are they on Amazon?

No. The books are composed of my posts – both books are about 100 pages. I archived edited and organized my posts – the first book for English language forums, the other for Russian language forums. The books are organized by subject.

I know what would happen, because it’s happened before. I’d edit and reedit and re-reedit, never satisfied with what I wrote. I’m always looking for perfection, never want to chop my hand down and say, “Alright, enough!” Publishers would hate me.

Did it. Got an agent. Now on submission to Big 5 publishers. We’ll see if anyone bites.

I’ve written three substantial books, plus a couple other minor ones that are available on Amazon.

I’ve been working on while for a while, but a combination of “actual work” and “writing in the wrong genre and being part of the wrong demographic” means I’m struggling to get much traction with any of the local writer’s groups.

Been published many times before, though, just not as the author of an actual book.