Crafty Dopers, share your projects!

This thread is for any knitters, crocheters, quilters, sewers, cross stitchers, etc. to share their recent projects.

Here are two pairs of baby booties that I knitted for my nephew, who is due to be born in a few weeks. And here is a baby quilt I made for him.

So crafty Dopers, I look forward to seeing your stuff!

p.s. Are any knitters on Ravelry? If so, share your profiles. Mine is here! Maybe we can create an SDMB Knitters group?

I wish I could share a pic w/you. I’m working on an infant sweater by Oat Couture. The pattern is called “Angel Sweater.” No pic, sorry. It’s worked in dk-weight yarn; the shaping is interesting…it’s worked by using smaller-size needles as you work bottom-to-top (I bought the pattern from Annie’s Attic)

I’ve several choices for my next project. I made for my 8-yr-old grandson last winter, and I want to make his dad one like it.

My younger daughter’s baby is due the end of this month, so I’d like to craft for that baby. And younger daughter & family just moved, so I can make afghans, etc, for their home.

My husband’s expressed an interest in having another sweater for next fall’s hunting season. And one of the years, I just might make something for myself (what a wild idea!)

So many ideas, so little time.

Love, Phil

I’m knitting the Honeycomb Sweater. I used the recommended yarn, in a different color - it looked like a silvery gray in the picture on the monitor, but when it arrived it’s more of a silvery sage green. That’s fine with me but I would have liked the color I thought it was. I’m about halfway through the back (first) panel.

Aw nyctea scandiaca, those booties are adorable!

I made this dress for my granddaughter (you can see her wear it here ). She is a very long, thin baby so the dress is rather large on her and her bloomers were just falling off.

So I made the second dress a size smaller but the same length as the first one. As you can see , it fit much better.

Next up is something for her first birthday. I’ll make a small doll (it’s six inches tall) plus a small bag for her. My 20 month old niece loves to put stuff in and out of a small bag so I’ll make something like that for my granddaughter.

It’s going to be another hot summer, so I’m doing more reconstructed t-shirt dresses.Don’t know how to link to individual posts, but here’s my two so far The pics are at the 22nd and 27th of May. There’s a place nearby that has men’s t-shirts on for $2.99 each, and I can make a dress out of one if I want it tight, and two for a full skirt. I’m binding the necks with elastic because I’m breastfeeding.

It’s fun.

Lisa that baby is one cutie patootie!

I’m on Ravelry way too much. In fact, all the time I spend there looking, gaping, drooling over such incredible talent, I could be used to hone my own pathetic knitting skills.
I’ll mod the SDMB group on Ravelry if we can come up with a really cool name Like the group that has the name Completely Pointless & Arbitrary. That cracked me up like nobody’s bidness every time .

Knitting intimidates the hell out of me. I am always so impressed when I see knitters at work.

I’m finishing the border of an afghan I’ve been working on the last couple months – or I would be if it weren’t so frikkin’ hot. Pix soon.

If you break it down, all knitting is is making loops and more loops with a piece of string and two pencil-like objects. There are only two stitches in knitting. Knitting and the opposite of the knit stitch, the Purl. These two stitches are everything that is knitting.

Knitwitch Good video help.

Knitting Help Another awesome resourse. (This is where I go.)

Knitty and Knitty’s Coffeeshop free patterns and a great message board for all skill levels.

Ravelry is a place that you can get lost on for days on end looking at amazing stuff ( and stuff that makes your own craptacular knitted projects look good.) Very inspiring and addictive.
You don’t have to start with expensive yarn and expensive needles. Take two pencils and use some craft yarn. Basic stuff can be had, really, for $7-10 total.

It’s real cheap…until the addiction starts. muhahahahahahahahahahaha!

I put photos of some of my quilts into an album .

One of my daughter’s friends visited about a month ago, from Oregon. My daughter showed him the quilts I’d made for her. He was surprised that people still quilt. He called it “a dying art”. Well, no, not exactly. I think quilting waned a bit in the 60’s and 70’s but it’s been on an upswing. Maybe it’s regional, but a quilting forum where I hang out has quilters from all over.

The hardest part for me is finishing the quilt. It’s so boring, compared to starting a new top.

Wow! Gorgeous!

Oh I’ve tried knitting. When I was a girl, I knitted a scarf. If I recall correctly, it measured about five inches across when I started it, and mysteriously grew to something like 15 inches across by the time I was finished.

I’ll stick with sewing and admire those of you with the knitting gene.

Thanks! I’m getting better! :slight_smile:

Ravelry is like crack. I’m hopelessly addicted to adding all sorts of projects to my queue, to the point that I’d have to be crocheting 24/7 for the next 5 yrs just to catch up with them all. Sigh.

I’ve just recently started sewing again, and am nearly done with this cute little camisole top in apple-green cotton (printed with bright-coloured apples, natch) and fuschia trim. I’m leaving off the ruffles, though, because that would be much too cutesy. Photos to follow once it’s finished… which, hopefully, should be by end of this week.

Do you have a link for the pattern (or instructions)? Hallgirl1 wants easy summer dresses, and this may work.

This weekend, I made Hallgirl1 three skirts (sorry, no pics) and bought the fabric for one skirt for myself.

Mahna provided the original tute from crafster. I’m trying to search for it. I’ll post it if I find it. It’s really easy. You buy a very large t-shirt, and cut the sleeves off. Those form the empire-waist top. The rest of the shirt you trim into two A-line panels for the skirt. I used two shirts for the reddish-pink one so I could do four panels in the skirt.

You could make the straps out of ribbon, extra shirt fabric, or elastic.

Is that at all clear? I’m sorry, the crafster forum is crashing on me and I can’t find the link.

Oh, and thank you, Shirley. I quite like him myself.

AuntiePam, your quilts are beautiful.

Good thing I saved the link to :slight_smile:

Here it is!

(at least, I think that’s the one… I gave** LiLi** a whole buncha links to different tutes.)

Hi all, just wanted to subscribe to this thread so I can get to this again later. My project for today (or tomorrow) is to learn how to upload pics so I can show off the first quilt I’ve ever *finished * - as soon as I finish it. It has to be done, the grandmother of the recipient is leaving the country on Friday to meet her, so it *has * to be done.

Then there’s the knitted tunic top I finished last week, the peggy square blanket I knit while watching the kid rollerblade each week, and the heirloom quilt that I started years ago (and it’s almost half done!)

Haven’t got a crochet project going - but it’s generally part of finishing off knitting, so I keep my hand in (heh).

I’m seriously impressed with the mad skillz on this thread.

Contrary, keeping your knittting even is really just a matter of practice. A scarf is depressing because you’re stuck with your first, worst efforts when you’re at the end. Peggy squares are great, just cast on 30-40 stitches and knit til it’s square. They’re small enough that you don’t mind ripping (unravelling) them if they’re uneven, and the best ones can be sewn together into blankets, bags or whatever.

Currently I’m using the long-arm stitch in black silk across 32-count evenweave, one strand across one strand, to embroider a motto in Latin.

I’ll post a picture when I’m further along. I’m still on the first ‘h’.

Let me tell you, cross stitch of any kind over one strand in 32 count is the definition of a friggin’ headache. Long-arm stitch is harder just because it’s hard to figure out where that last hole really is. It’s one of the first times I’ve ever wanted to gripe about having a needle that’s too thick. The recipient will appreciate the work involved, I am certain…