Craig Ferguson and The Late Late Show

I really like the show. Best late-nighter of them all. I heard Craig interviewed on the radio, and he said that, although the monologue is written, what he actually says is from 20% to 70% improvised. Pretty impressive.
One thing troubles me, though. Is there a studio audience? I can’t recall if they ever show one. Lately the laughter has been verging on hysterical, and, if it turns out to be a laugh track, or added later to a tepid studio reaction, I’ll never forgive them.

I don’t really watch it anymore, but there was definitely interaction in the early days. Who could forget the overpowering lameness of “Audience Donut Jenga”?

They show the audience every once in a while, so there definitely is one. Yesterday’s program, for example, was obviously taped on Wednesday with the same group so Craig started with lots of “Friday” jokes that they howled at.

His bits are definitely lame, though not nearly as unbearable as Conan’s or Letterman’s. His long monologues and the wild interviews are what keep me recording it.