"Creative" Website Advertising

I’m not talking about search engine or meta-tag tips or banner ads or linking or posting to forums and such (y’all have given good advice in other threads)…I’m looking for suggestions on other creative (and cheap) ways to advertise a website’s name (whether through internet or otherwise).

For example, if I could start some kind of public controversy directly or indirectly involving my website in a way so that the media would mention the website name in their stories…

Or dropping off business cards in areas where my target audience would be likely to frequent…

Maybe I should have a contest for the best creative advertising idea? (Haven’t decided the website name yet).

As I was driving to work one day, I noticed a weird dude standing on the street, dressed as a peasant farmer, with a smock and floppy hat and a stalk of corn sticking out of his mouth, holding a large card with a URL on it. Made me go to it (it was the “parade of cows” art event).

The business cards are a good idea. Maybe put the URL on the back of your car? Give out free bumper stickers? Maybe put stickers with some mysterious statement and the URL, stuck in amusing ways on advertising hoardings? (May not be legal.)

Thing is though, your site had better deliver, or you’re going to piss lots of people off.