"Creepshow" Episode-How Did It End?

A while back, I caught part of a “Creepshow” episode on cable TV, and I never saw how it ended…so here goes:
-four horney teenagers (two guys and two girls) decideto cut their classes and head up to a remote mountain lake. They reach the lake, and decide to go swimming-the gals strip down to bikinis, and they all plunge in -they all swim out to a raft, then this monstrous mat of what looks to be an oil slick moves in…it swiftly surrounds and drowns one of the girls. The remaining kids cower on the raft-then this “blob”-looking thing breaks through and devours the hunk… At this point, I had to switch channels…what happened to the rest of these dolts…and what was this thing in the lake? (I know it wasn’t “Jaws”-sharks don’t live in lakes…anybody see this?

Everyone dies. I think a guy swims to shore and makes it but its still like a foot away from the water and starts shouting “I beat YOU!!! I made it!!!” or something like that. The oil slick thingy then rises and its looks like its going to eat him and it ends.

Yup, that’s it. I believe it’s on one of the Creepshow movies, [I think the second one]. I remember watching it when I was younger with my dad. If I remember correctly, it’s based on a Stephen King short story called The Raft, if you’re interested, which ends the same way.

You are indeed correct, and the story includes one of the most inappropriate sex scenes I’ve ever seen in a story.

After two of the teens have been engulfed and killed by the oil slick, the other two (one guy and one girl), decide to have sex on the raft, with the oil slick still hanging around. “Oh, hey, two of our friends have just been horrifically killed and we probably will be too… but let’s fuck!”

The end result of their copulation being, of course, the girl gets her hair caught by the oil slick and gets killed.

Shameful. I’m actually something of a King fan, but “The Raft” is one of his least interesting short stories.

That is from Creepshow 2.

Raft is collected in one of his short story collections. It’s a great story, and IIRC their was no sex scene in the story.
BTW, Creepshow 2?! I gotta check that out!

Read it again… it’s there. It was so out-of-place, your brain probably shut it out. :wink:

Creepshow 2 honestly didn’t impress me much; I can’t remember whether the film version was faithful to that level.

The original story was reprinted in Skeleton Crew, but was originally published in the “men’s magazine” Gallery, so they probably wanted a bit of pointless sex in it… but really. That story was beneath King’s usual work. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that it was one of the ones he wrote while high.

Say, did you hear that Stephen King wrote Cujo while on cocaine during a 3 day period?

Heh… King himself admitted to something very similar. I believe it was in On Writing, when he was talking about his addictions, that he admitted he barely remembered writing or editing Cujo. Quite frankly, it shows. That was a rough period in his life, and his writing suffered for it. In many ways, he became the hack that many accused him of being.

Fortunately (for me, anyway), he got past that and his writing got better.

Hope you’re not as dissapointed as I was, MachineHead. I thought it sucked totally. It was so bad I couldn’t even laugh at.

The guy swims like mad away from the Slick and makes it to shore, saying to it " I beat you". At this the Slick rises up and crashes over the screaming guy like a wave crashing over a surfer.

Cut to scene where the Skick drifts away past a sign that says:


The story ended differently, I believe. Everybody is dead except the one guy, but instead of swimming for shore, it ends with him standing on the raft, knowing he’s doomed, whispering “Do you love?”

It’s been a long time since I’ve read it, though.

I seem to recall that the short story ends with the last kid (Oh Pancho, oh Ceeee-sco) being hypnotized by the “killer oil slick” and, presumably, diving headfirst into it.

On the subject of Creepshow 2, I’ve got a question for someone who’s seen it recently, or at least remembers it better than I do.

In (I think) the final segment, a lady driving home late at night runs over a hitchhiker, who turns out to be a zombie or some such, who keeps popping up, and eventually ends up riding home with her attached to the undercarriage of her car…

The bit ends with his line, “Thanks for the ride, lady!” My FIL and I have used this line between each other for years, usually apropos of nothing, and it still cracks us up. But, did the guy say it over and over through the episode, as we seem to recall (sort of, vaguely, kinda) or just the once, at the end of the segment?

I remember the hitchhiker saying that too. My siblings and I used to freak each other out chasing each other screaming “Thanks for the ride, lady”

Damn… i still use that line on my wife sometimes, to make her giggle. I thought I was the only one who remembered it. Who knew?

I’ve not seen the movie in a looooong time, but I think that the hitchhiker kept popping up (in progressive states of nasty decay) and saying it?

DarkWriter and Skeezix are correct-- the paper story ending is different from the film’s. In the book, last-man-standing Randy does not swim back to shore. He simply lets the blob’s pretty colors do its work.

The worst part about the sex scene (in the book) was that

in one minute he’s on top of her, pumping away, enjoying the sights, sounds, and scents of her body and having a grand old time… and the next he’s shoving her off the raft with his foot. How ungentlemanly!

I havent seen Creepshow 2 in a while, I’m gonna have to get it off the computer tonight. But Creepshow1, I loved.

Hmmm… in the movie (Creepshow 2), regarding the sex scene, I seem to remember the guy taking advantage of the girl while she sleeps. See, what happens is their two friends die, and knowing that Oil Slick Mat is still out there, they just wait on the raft not knowing what to do.

Eventually, the girl falls asleep, and it is at this time the guy starts to fondle and grope her, but as he is doing this, Oil Slick Mat pulls her through the raft from the bottom. The guy sees this as an opportunity to make his escape, so while Oil Slick Mat is devouring the girl, he dives in and swims like mad to the shore, only to be eaten anyway.

Yes, the hitchhiker does say it over and over again.

It’s so lame.