Criticism of the Board software

I got my first ever Mod Note here:

Why are we not allowed to criticize Mr. Attwood, or his software? It’s not as if any software is bug free, and Mr. Attwood is ultimately responsible for that software.

I mean, a while ago, a random update completely messed up the menus. It was clearly a bug. And yet it was released.

I am a software developer. This stuff is important to me. I don’t see any reason why we should not complain about bugs.

Can you explain further, please, @engineer_comp_geek ?

Just speaking for myself, critiques of Discourse are one thing, but


Really look like you’re attacking codinghorror. I think you’re aware you’re not suppose to attack posters outside of the pit and codinghorror is a poster.

I really think you could have expressed your opinion much better and without the angry looking attack.

Now that is my take, @engineer_comp_geek will probably have a more detail explanation, but even my simple take is plenty to issue a modnote.

Thanks. I will await @engineer_comp_geek answer.

But yes, it was too angry and aggressive a criticism, so my apologies for that.

(Not sure if I am within the edit window, but I also apologize for the grievous misspelling in my thread title)

Atwood, not Attwood.

I fixed it.

Thank you

A software developer should know what is and what is not acceptable for a bug report.

Also, while @codinghorror is technically a user here, I don’t think he participates much as a user (probably due to all of the snark and entitlement that was shoved his way when we first switched to Discourse, but that’s just a guess on my part). As the head of the Discourse team, he is technically staff. Do not attack staff for any reason. This includes anyone on the Discourse team and anyone at STM, etc.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds us.

Constructive criticism is always welcome. Bug reports (that are actual bug reports and not rants) are always welcome. Just be respectful.

I disagree with some of the things you have said, but

I can agree with. I was an asshole, and I will try to not be one.

Except the modnote said

Do not attack Discourse, @codinghorror, or their staff.

So more than just codinghorror. And I interpret this as codinghorror qua Discourse staff not a poster