Crocs on the runway

Did the recent hurricanes drive the ancient reptiles out of their swamps and onto the runways at Miami airport?

Crocs on the runway, and other strange signs of the time . . .

Oh, wait a minute. It’s just an article about a big fashion show in Paris.

OTOH, I just found this: Plane hits, kills gator at Orlando airport.

Damn! From the thread title I thought this was going to be about the decline of Fashion, with the appearance of plastic shoes decorated with Rhinestones

We used to have a problem with goats on the runway at the Cabinda Airport until they installed fences. :eek:

I have never seen alligators at MIA. MIA is pretty deep into the city now and has no open water nearby.

Conversely at MCO they’re fairly common. We like to look for them sunning near the ponds near many of the taxiways. I’ve not had to wait for one to cross the road*, but I have occasionally seen one on the pavement.

Q: Why did the alligator cross the road?
A: To get to the preschool on the other side.