CSI Ruined!

Grisholm said that terminal velocity was 9.8 meters per second squared! Why? WHY?!!!

Are you sure he was talking about terminal velocity? I haven’t watched that show in a while, but it seems like with as much as they seem to get right they wouldn’t blow something so easy.


Hey, lookit that – 500 posts!


I love this place. Watching him say that last night, the first thing I thought was, “Damn, the Boards are gonna roast him for that.”

Guess “terminal velocity” sounded cooler than “gravitational acceleration”.

On another note, howdja like them working in that whole rebirthing therapy thing? Looks like they’re going for the whole “Ripped from the headlines” angle that Law & Order does.

I cringed at the same thing… I was so disappointed that they made this mistake.