Cute. Brilliantly, mind bendingly, totally shiockingly completely cute.

*My Niece, aged 4, wrote this. It is by far the cutest thing i’ve ever encountered. I will say as little as possible so as not to cloud your expierence. (Note, “lick sticks” are candy made from maple suger)

I present to you:*

The Goblins in the Country

Once upon a time, there was four girls and one boy and they were all playing together and the father said “Would you like to do a craft today?” And they all shouted “Yeah!” When they were doing the craft they made lick sticks.

And then they all went to play with the fishes then it started to get dark and spooky and the shark came and they all disappeared the land on a great discovery and then two fishes came along, and they wanted to say hello I love you sharky. Then they made a sign - can you please go away cause there’s a monster here and a shark and we’re trying to get it to go away. So, they all disappeared the land. Then they went to go away and there was nothing on the land forever, they all sit in the lunch room waiting for the shark to come there then they can catch him with a big trap. Should we go in the lunch room? Yeah! Then they all went in the lunch room and were waiting for the shark and they were setting a trap up to catch the shark and when the shark came there it got flat and they all lived happily ever after.

When the shark came back to normal they made a lick stick for him so he would be happy and not be mean any more to all the persons living in the ocean the end.
By Sommer Grace

April 2001

Age 4
(May i suggest that you sit back and enjoy the feeling for a couple minutes before doing anything else.)

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Would that i could bloody well SPELL. I’m not asking much, just the titles, just let me spell in the TITLES at LEAST.


You must be a very proud Uncle (Aunt?). What a creative little girl!

Upham, I would change the title, but I need a little info first.

Do I take the “i” out of “shiockingly”, or change it to an “l”? :slight_smile:

Funny thing is that I am so tired I didn’t even notice the typo!

If only life was so simple as that seen by a four year old child.
Now, we will just keep her away from my son, and all should be well.

Darn. And here I thought Spoonman was talking about me.

But yeah, that was a freakin’ adorable story.

I am, past a shadow of a doubt, the proudest sexually ambiguous relitive in the world (alright, if you want to get nit-picky then Uncle)

Czar you’re just jealous :slight_smile:

Kricket m’love who are we to stand in their way?

And Rasa you’re damn straight it was!

I mean, we’re talking about the little girl who pronounces “Hippopotamus” as “Hippo-*pa-mot-*amus” except when she says is in a song she sings, in which case it comes out clear as day.

That was indeed shiokingly cute, I loved it.

Relitive? :smiley:

My sister found my two year old nephew (her son) scratching his balls with her toothbrush last week. She was shioked.

Come now Carina surely you know that everything (especally spelling) is relitive. As far as i’m concerned, that’s spelled relItIvly correctly.

SPOOFE Jr.!!! :stuck_out_tongue: