One of my best friends (let’s call her Jen) has, literally, the thickest and most gorgeous hair in the world. It’s her pride and joy. She gets stopped on the street by strangers who comment on it. Even as her best friend, her hair makes me jealous. It’s just so fabulous. Her hair makes everyone jealous.
She had it in a thick braid over her shoulder yesterday, and was telling a mutual friend of ours (let’s call her Susan) that she needed to trim it because her split ends were getting out of control.
Susan got a pair of scissors and cut four inches of hair off the end of Jen’s braid. Waved it in front of her face and said “I’m making a statement! Bitch about your split ends again!”
I’m a bartender; they were both sitting at my bar. Neither was sober. Neither was so drunk they didn’t know what happened, or what they were doing.
Jen’s eyes started watering like she was about to cry, but instead she began laughing slightly hysterically. Like she couldn’t believe what had just happened. Susan tried to make a joke out of it, but then she realized that nobody else thought it was remotely OK, so she fled the scene within ten minutes.
Jen wasn’t really upset about it til today, when she took her hair down, brushed it out, and realized that the right half of her hair is several inches shorter than the left, and so jagged and badly cut that she’s going to have to cut off about five inches off the rest of her hair to make it OK.
Susan texted her today, just once. “Make an appointment with your stylist and I will pay for it.” No apology. No “I’m sorry.” Just a blunt offer to pay for a haircut.
Is it just me, or is cutting off a woman’s hair–even as a joke–crossing a serious line? I don’t have hair half as fabulous as Jen’s, and I would still cry if somebody butchered it the way Susan did. It’s not like you spilled red wine on my clothes, or dropped a greasy casserole on my carpet…you can change your clothes and clean your carpet. But your HAIR? Sure, Jen’s hair will grow back, but that’s not the point.
I wouldn’t do this to somebody I hated. Much less somebody I call a friend. I don’t care if I were twice as drunk as both of them put together. It wouldn’t even cross my MIND. I’m so aghast about it that I wonder if I’m viewing it correctly. Am I making too much of this? Is whacking off four inches of hair ever a joke? Ever OK? Ever even really forgivable? A woman’s hair is so personal, IMHO. I know I’ve been growing mine out recently and if somebody were to cut off even TWO inches of it–especially in a braid, where it will inevitably be all jagged and ugly–I would lose my mind.
Jen has not replied to Susan’s text as of now. She doesn’t even know what to say, she’s so angry and hurt and upset.
I would like opinions on this. Because I don’t think I know quite what the hell to think.