Um, wow, most of my hair is gone.

And then there are the times when one says, “Well, what if I just cut it all off and start over?”

Did that tonight.

I have one of those short boy cuts now- my hair was shoulder length, although given how curly it is it was actually as long as my shoulder blades.

I think it looks kind of sexy, but I’m really not used to having people be able to see my neck… also, I’m relieved that it’s still obviously not the kind of curls that one gets from gettng a perm. I am also a few months and some hair gel away from an interesting afro.

Also, my parents are taking me out to breakfast tomorrow. They have no idea that I did this. My life could very well turn into a bad sitcom.

This is going to take some getting used to. My head feels much better ventilated…

I was with my sister when she shaved her head, and she looked awesome. I think most women look great with ultra-short hair. I’d just shave mine off but I don’t have the right shape of head.

I used to have hair down to my waist, and when I cut it I felt so light! Having nothing to cover the back of your neck is one of the best feelings ever. It’s also addictive. Everyone I’ve ever known who cut their hair ultra-short had a really hard time growing it back. It’s not only cute, but liberating in a way. I’m sure your parents will get used to it.

Good on ya!

I got my already fairly short (just above my shoulders - up from mid-back a year & a half ago) hair cut again a few weeks ago: It’s now in a sort of shag 'do.

Very liberating, very easy to care for. I’m also encouraged to do things like dye it on a more regular basis, as there’s less hair to look horrible should something go wrong. A couple friends of mine told me that it changes my whole look, which is cool.

I used to have very long hair, it went halfway down my back in High School. I was given a job offer by my mom’s boyfriend, whose only stipulation was that I needed to get my hair cut. Yeah, I caved in to conformity for the sake of a summer job, but I’m glad I did. Once I got my hair cut I realized how pleasant it is to have the wind pass over the back of my neck.

Nowadays I’m much happier with short hair. People liked how I looked with long hair, but I feel much more comfortable with the way it is now. In fact, I’m thinking about getting it cut even shorter.

I had shoulder-length hair in high school, and the summer after my freshman year of college, I got a VERY short cut that I kept for the next 13 years or so. When I came back to my summer job the weekend after the cut, one of my co-workers asked, “What’d you get, about six haircuts?” :cool:

That summer I also traded my big-plastic-frame, Coke-bottle glasses for contacts. Several people did not recognize me at the beginning of the fall semester.

I’m back to long hair and glasses (high-index plastic, cool metal frames) now. The contacts were a bit of a pain, and I’ve gotten over the issues that made me think I needed them. When my hair started showing a few gray hairs, I thought of my mother’s and aunts’ beautiful silvery hair and decided I would like to have long witchy silver hair when I got old instead of an old-lady perm. I’m 36 now, and I’m still working on the length; now I’m just waiting for the silver to come in. Sometimes I miss my buzz cut, but I’m also enjoying all the “hair toys” I have now.

What? No pics? I’m dying of curiosity here!

Take the chance and shave it off andygirl, it will grow back into a short cut fairly fast if you don’t like it, but you have to give it a try! It feels fantastic, like nothing on earth, and it is so handy!

I did it last year, it looked godawful on me, but it felt soooo good.
I saw photos from an exhibition, and couldn’t work out who the “little fat boy” was. It was me. Whee. But it felt good! Try it :slight_smile:

i just got my hair cut last night. it is about an inch long now. i’m gonna have to find the hair gels again.

good heavens, there maybe zsuzsing (how do you spell that?) involved.