Did anyone watch the Daily Show last night with Senator Dodd?
A very good opening as usual. He did a good job quietly mocking the protesters equating Bush to Hitler.
The Samantha Bee segment might be the worst Daily Show Segment ever. Anyone else hate it? Anyone like it?
I think Dodd did pretty well in the interview; he had a little nervous laughter going on but overall answered well and kept the tone where a Presidential Candidate should have it on TDS. I am sad to say, that while I knew he was doing a little campaigning, last night was the first time I realized he was actually running. I expect to see a GD thread on him shortly. I look for to the comments there about his chances. I think he helped himself last night.
Anyway, pretty good show overall.
Sorry, dude. The wife and I had to pause it to get all the laughing out when her daughter was in a basmati rice sack because she wasn’t as good as the Asian baby.
I thought Bee’s bit was spot on re celebrity baby accessorizing, but I am starting to feel sorry for her baby. What happens when the baby is not a baby? Are we to get two year stuff? She is sort of using her baby as an accessory, no? Irony…
I liked that bit; it was funny. As for Dodd, I kind of felt sorry for him, because Jon Stewart seemed to openly mock his chances as a candidate.
The Samantha Bee segment was a very funny spoof of those entertainment shows that use all those wacky camera angles and video effects to hype up the “content.” The shot that panned from a monitor to a monitor to and iPod was great. People who watch those kinds of shows regularly may not have been aware of what was being spoofed.
I do not watch the entertainment shows, I am aware of them and I found the spoof more worthy of SNL than Daily Show, but I see I am in a minority. This is why I asked.
I thought it was great, but Salon has been getting quite a lot of response, pro and con, for the segment (link includes video of Bee’s report)