Hi all! I haven’t been around much, but thought I’d pop in. The reason for the header - I find that I will be in the
Dallas area, not once, but twice in the coming weeks. I will be visiting for the weekend of July 1-4, and will be
returning for a wedding on July 15. I was thinking it might be fun to line something up at least one of those days.
Best times for me:
Sun Jul 2, Mon Jul 3
Fri Jul 14 - evening.
I will be driving on Jul 1, Jul 4, Jul 14, and Jul 16. Sat
Jul 15 evening is the wedding, so I kinda need to plan
around it.
So what say you? Who’s up for it?
And if I could have a friendly local volunteer to help with
plans, I’d much appreciate it.
Do you know about what part of Dallas you’ll be in? Also, shall we do lunch, supper or just drinks? When are you getting in on the 14th? I think Sunday will be the best. Why are you coming up the first weekend? Anything then we need to plan around.
Hey Zyada. I’ll actually be in Denton, so something toward the north side of Dallas would be best. I’m mainly visiting my sister for the weekend. Don’t really have anything specific planned. I think her fiance and her will be hanging with his parents, not sure times and all.
The second weekend Friday would be better. I’m taking it off, so I’ll drive up that day. Sunday I have to drive home, I really don’t want to get up early, and with the drive I wouldn’t want to stay that late. So that weekend Friday evening/night would be best. I could do lunch Sat since the wedding isn’t till that evening.
Seriously, July 3rd would be best for me, especially if we can do it in a lunch-type situation. Mrs. Chef would be able to join us then, whereas she has to work on the fourth. (dern retail hours…) if we’re talking evenings, someone at chez Chef will have to watch Chef Jr., which means that she wouldn’t be able to join us.
Purity! Ha!! We all know the only reason you want more people to show up is so you can grope them like you did me at the last get together. Not that I complained. wink
Maybe I should see if the Houston people are available to get together while I’m there.
I’m good for the 2nd or 3rd. And 3rd? I emailed my sister for clarification, but I’ll probably call her.
This weekend, I’m driving in Saturday, and won’t get up that early, so won’t be available till dinner earliest, but could do something that evening. Sunday and Monday are fairly open - I need to see what the plans are - guess I’ll call tonight and report back. Monday I have to drive home, and again won’t get up early - hey, I love sleeping in. So late Sat (1st), Sun (2nd), or Mon (3rd) are all good.
Zyada - wanna email me your cell phone number so I’ll have a local contact? My email is in my profile.
As of today, it looks like I have plans for Sunday evening. Therefore, and keeping in line with Chef Troy’s request, I suggest we aim for Monday.
Let’s meet around noon. Somebody will have to suggest a place, give directions, etc. We can go as late as we wish there, or make secondary plans for that evening, and that way anyone who can’t make one time can try the other. Thus we do lunch and hang out one place, then reconvene for dinner, drinks, etc later. If that won’t wear anyone out.
What do you say? Anyone game? Other suggestions? Alternatives?
Monday works for me - I told my boss today I am going to take off.
I propose El Fenix in Grapevine at noon on Monday - does anyone have any problems with this? I’ll have the sign and tell the hostess that we’re the Adams group. If this is acceptable, I’ll post a map and directions.
Just tell me the date and the time. I’ll show up in my Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit and bring a good bottle of Tequila – you know, the clear shit!
The suburbs would be ok but the city has more fun stuff…anyone ever been to Gator’s in the West End, where the waitresses dance on the piano? Hehe…I used to work there.
ya’ll e-mail me now, ya hear?
YEEEEHAWWW! Dallas Dopers!
PS: Would bringing some, er…not so straight dope be politically incorrect and unwelcome?