Damn it Google, stop being evil!

I clicked on it and got the following message:

Your account is permanently linked to a Google Account

So no, I never chose to do this. Google “helpfully” automatically did the linking because I happened to be logged into a Gmail account while setting the YouTube account up. I never chose to do this. I’m the sort who always chooses to install software in “Custom” mode to avoid extra toolbars and spyware. No, this was Google being assholes.

Equipoise: I’ve seen that video, and it doesn’t work. It might work for some account that have been deliberately manually linked, but it doesn’t work for others. My only choice is to delete the account, which is not an option with 120 subscribers.

Moved from The BBQ Pit to Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share.

Pit Moderator

I’ve taken the liberty of linking everyone’s You Tube accounts to a secret Yahoo account I set up just for this.

Soon, all your video will be mine.

Yeahhhhhhhhhh, sounds to me like you just had a brain fart. Seriously, dude, it *is *possible to fuck this shit up occasionally, even if you’re normally vigilant.