Damn you Fox Sports and your stupid "A Team" commercials

We get the damn point already. Enough! I surrender! I will watch the damn games. You can stop playing the ads already. I am begging, BEGGING, you to stop. Are you happy?

I hear those ads so much now, that I am humming the damn “A Team” theme in the shower now. That is sick I tells ya.

No more.

Oh, and I am going to step on the damn geeko myself if I see one more Geico ad.


It is such a catchy melody though. I usually get it stuck in my head at least once a week.

No kidding! My wife asked me what I was humming the other day (sadly I didn’t even realize it at the time)- of course it was the “A Team” theme.

I pity the fool who gets this song in their heads :rolleyes: .

What’s a geeko, a lizard with a Computer Science degree?

Don’t give me none of that JIBBER JABBER!

Well he did have that “hoity toity” english accent— oh heck, who am I fooling, it was a typo. . .

:: runs away sobbing ::

T’inator (Mr. T jargonizer)



Shut up, fool! Mr. T gonna play Torvald!

Personally, I think EVERY commercial and EVERY television show and EVERY movie should have the A-Team theme playing in the background, all the time. I can just envision a passionate love scene… “DA-da-DA-A-A-A… da-DA-da-a-a-a…”