Dan Crenshaw: Porno hitman or disrespected wounded vet?

He himself is not doing the crying.

It’s the talking heads and other politicians who are frothing at the mouth.

And I’m not so sure why merely being wounded gives you a pass for wearing an eyepatch like some sort of real-life Snake Plisskin, Silent Snake, Rooster Cogburn, The Governor, Emilio Largo, etc…

It’s essentially a fashion choice- he ***can *** wear a glass eye- even that silly SEAL trident one, and nobody would say a word. But he’s deliberately choosing to wear this eyepatch, and IMO, that opens him up to the same chiding and mockery that anyone else gets for a fashion choice.

I’m shocked.

Wow. Dealing with your disability is just like being Kim Kardashian. Who knew?

That was my thought too. It just wasn’t a funny joke. Maybe I haven’t been watching enough porn, but I wasn’t aware that there were enough porno movies featuring hitmen that there is such a thing as a “porno hitman” stereotype, let alone that it featured an eyepatch.

The plain joke about looking like a hitman in a porno could have passed IMO (and yes it would have been better as “cheap action movie” or “TV crime show”) — it was the “whatever” bit that I can see rubbing people the wrong way.

I don’t disagree. However, I thought that in modern society it was not acceptable to make fun of a person’s disability no matter what. It should be consistent across the board if that is the case and not have one rule when a Republican is made fun of because Trump! and a different rule for everyone else.

Laughing at someone’s ugly or weird choice isn’t the same thing as laughing at their disability.

I mean, if a guy who needs a cane to get around gets a carved wizard staff with a crystal at the top like Gandalf’s, that’s fair game for being made fun of, where a plain cane or even a plain staff wouldn’t be.

It’s like if a wheelchair bound person added slab wheels to their accessible van- you’d be making fun of the wheels, not the fact that the person has to use that van.

The flip side is that you might say that’s a cool van- which doesn’t mean that having to use an accessible van is cool, but merely that it’s been dolled up in a cool way.

And it’s doubly so if you choose to do so and publicize that look as part of your campaign imagery and literature.

Maybe I like war veterans that DIDNT lose an eye.

Actually, I cut comedians a lot more slack, especially when they aren’t singling anyone out, than I do the President of the United States in an official forum. if Obama had said something like this in a public forum, I’d be totally outraged. A random comic, not so much.

I think it’s generally bad form to make fun of someone’s disability. We’ll just have to disagree if you think it’s OK. I have no interest in arguing about that in order to convince you otherwise. You be you and I’ll be me.

Professional comedian makes bad joke. Big deal. Dan Crenshaw himself said we ought to get past demanding apologies every time someone says a dumb thing. Pete Davidson makes jokes about his own dad who died in 9/11 so insensitivity is kind of his forte. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t watch.

Yes, that was dismissive and rude.

I say he take off the patch and see if any celeb has the balls to publicly make fun of whatever deformity is under there.

Yup seems fairly cut and dried. Cruelly mocking someone’s physical disability is completely out of order, and is not the kind behavior we should expect from candidates for high office.

Both Pete Davidson and Donald Trump are both spectacularly unqualified for high office, and should not be allowed near the most powerful job in the world.

Remember the good old days, when the standards for the person in charge of enough nuclear weapons to wipe out the planet were a little bit higher than for a envelope pushing shock comedian?

After watching the clip, I am a bit offended. What makes this Davidson think his life is interesting enough for him to make a non-comedic statement about it on a comedy show. Cringeworthy.

I thought Republicans had established pretty firmly, through their unequivocal support of Trump, that making fun of somebody’s disability is okay. Why’s there a different standard for TV comedians than there is for President of the United States?

If a Republican made a similar joke (because that’s NEVER happened), other Republicans - sharing a large amount of a Venn diagram with the current outragees - would be shouting “Fuck your feelings!”

Hokay. He should have used a better excuse. Maybe he should have researched Saxby Chambliss’ excuse for sliming Max Cleland and used that one, whatever it is.

I would hope we are not in a race to the bottom on this one. Two wrongs don’t make it right. Go ahead and make fun of how pig-headed Crenshaw is, and how is positions are dumb, but mocking his looks, which also happen to be related to a disability-causing injury from overseas combat, is over the line IMHO.

I get that we are all frustrated at times with our politics. OK, most of the time. But we need to draw the line firmly that mocking a disfigured war veteran is not going to be OK, no matter who does it. We need to call it out as wrong, and not applaud when our side does it but condemn it when they do it - the SDMB is better than that. Our nation should be better than that.

“When they go low, we go high” gave us Donald Trump. Let’s not play around assuming Republicans would say a damn thing if it was a Democrat bring insulted. We already saw how they’ve lined up to suckle at the teat of the one that started with disrespecting war heroed and Gold Star families. You don’t put your face on the ground by ankle biters, you firmly remind them of their place with your boot.

Michelle Obama wasn’t running in 2016. And neither of the Clintons is Michelle Obama.

For some people it seems like Trump is a uniquely vile piece of human trash, and should set the standards for our country as to what is acceptable and what is not.