"Dancing With Myself" is about

masturbation, isn’t it?

I always assumed so.

Me too. But I’m the one who thinks Kurt Cobain is singing about his “gayness” in All Apologies. I also hear “All alone is all we are” at the end. Clearly.

I’d say so.

‘Well I wait so long/For my love vibration/And Im dancing with myself.’

As is (intake of breath) She Bop, Pictures of Lily, Holding My Own, I Touch Myself, Roll Yer Own, etc., etc.

I think so too, then again, Longview is obviously about masturbation, too (it even mentions it!) even though Green Day denies it.

And “Blinded by the Light”.

We’ve had a couple of threads full of songs about masturbation that went to two pages each.

He could have been. Supposedly, he and Michael Stipe had sort of a “thing” at one point. Maybe he was bi.

I thought that song was about a douche. :smiley:

That’s not what what he’s saying? What is it, then?

I thought it was “all we are is all we are”

Nope, lyrics sites say “all in all is all we are” and “All in all we all are”…is there a consensus?

Well, I say that is what he’s saying, but according to this and other sources, he’s saying “All in all is all we are”. Could be, but it doesn’t sound at all like that to me. Kurt even slows it way down at the end so you can hear him clearly.
I am referencing their MTV unplugged version. Excellent CD, btw.

Hey, gigi, you slipped in here while I was pecking at my keyboard. :smiley:
Listen for yourself, making sure you have the “unplugged” version. At the very end.
I just listened to it again on my iPod.
BTW; if anyone hasn’t watched Last Days, I highly reccommend it for Cobain (Nirvana) fans.
Hurry though, I’m off to netflix to rent it again.

Well, I guess it could go either way, but I’d have to listen to it again. I had no idea those were the correct lyrics. Thanks.