Dante's Cove; the softcore gay porn version of Buffy

I watching season 1 (2 whole episoded :dubious: ) of Dante’s Cove on DVD thanks to Netflix. Hot (but bad) actors, nudity, bad writing, plot holes, strange costumes, bad age make up, plot holes, bad sets, bad writing, and bizarre accents. Just where the hell is Dante’s Cove supposed to be located :confused: ? Southern California, the Caribbean? What’s up with Tresum? All in all except for the sex scenes and gratuitous male nudity :slight_smile: this show seems like utter crap. It’s softcore porn trying to pass itself of as a gay Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Is season 2 any better (or at least have more sex)?

LOL. Yes it does.

I have to agree. Dante’s Cove is pretty much soft core gay porn ala “Skinemax”, little redeeming acting value or writing value, for that matter. Tracy Scoggins is a hoot though, and the men are scrumptious. :smiley:

I am an unabashed fan of the show. Subscribed to here! because of it, taped both seasons, bought S1 on DVD and am watching it again with my (straight female) best friend and I subscribe to the podcast. Two mixes of the theme song are in heavy rotation on my iPod as is another song (the one that plays over the scene with Ambrosius and his valet). Put in a lot of work on the Wikipedia article (loaded with spoilers) and wrote the Wiki article on one of the new cast members for S2 [Gabriel Romero](Gabriel - Wikipedia Romero).

The first season was shot in the West Indian nation of Turks and Caicos Islands and season 2 was shot in Hawaii. Season 3 has been greenlit and will also be shot in Hawaii starting in about a month. As to where exactly Dante’s Cove is supposed to be, it’s never made quite clear. It’s an island but where that island might be is a mystery.

Tresum is covered extensively in the DC article (which is actually not a section I worked on much so don’t blame me if it sucks). It’s a supernatural religion whose practitioners can do pretty much anything from teleportation to casting force bolts to boiling people alive with a glance. Van’s interest in Tresum is a major story arc in S2 and we meet a mysterious new character with connections to Grace, Ambrosius and Tresum.

Season 2 has more (simulated) sex and nudity (including more full frontal, but not from anyone who’s currently in the cast) than season 1, in large measure because of the sex club that opens on the island. As far as plot goes, S2 actually has some, although some of the meager strands of plot left dangling from S1 are just sort of dismissed and about half of the people vanish without explanation. But what plot they actually follow through on they resolve satisfactorily and there’s a cliffhanger ending.

For me the biggest mystery in the show is what Tracy Scoggins was thinking when she settled on that accent.

Hey, thanks for your work on the Wikipedia entry, Otto. It helped us decide that we definitely want to Netflix this show ourselves. We first heard about it when my husband found out an old high school classmate of his (Erin Cummings) is in the cast. The show sounds awesome – I can’t wait to watch it.