While I no longer shoot professionally, I still do a little bit of work mostly for friends and my own amusement. Recently I shot a wedding for a friend of mine.
One of the two CF cards I used has been really wonky, and I’m having some issues with it.
When I got back from the wedding, and went to review the pics in camera, I got the message “This card cannot be used”
As it was very humid (outdoor wedding in Wisconsin summer) I let the card sit for a week or so before trying to recover the images.
This afternoon, I insert the card in the camera, and I’m able to preview all of the images - therefore I know they are still on the card. I begin the data transfer using my Nikon Xfer utility, get about 6 pictures in, and I get an error message.
I disconnect from the xfer cable, try to view the pix in camera, and get the “this card cannot be used” message again.
Then I let it sit for a while, and a bit later I can see the pix again in camera. I reconnect to the computer, and everything gets wonky again. Lather, rinse, repeat.
The camera is a Nikon D100, and the card is a 256 MB Lexar Media Write Accelerated CF card.
I have tried three different recovery utilities I downloaded off the web. none of them recognize that there is a card in the removable drive (the camera) or if they see the drive, they see no data on the card.
Yet obviously the data is still there.