So I emailed Papa Zappa a link to one of those “funniest threads of all time” threads ( and assorted other gutbusters (must be tired, I typed “butgusters” first and didn’t see anything wrong with it…)
I’m in the kitchen on the laptop. He’s in the other room on the desktop computer - laughing so loud I wonder the neighbors haven’t called to complain. I believe he just finished reading the one about the cold wax.
Shared pleasure. Just a few rooms away. Ahem. Hey, it’s cheaper than a hotel room or a babysitter!
A few weeks ago I showed him the infamous cell phone / toilet threads. Brought us both to tears of mirth.
So what joy has the SDMB brought to your household tonight?
(and yes, I think we’re overdue for an updated “funniest threads of all times” as neither the cell phone incident nor the cold-wax incident are on that one). Updates please???