This is the truth.
The hardest part in life is standing back and letting someone else make the mistake that you know you can keep them from making and then therefore, hurting.
Your best teacher is your last mistake.
I’m not saying I think she is heading for heartache and headachescause, as we all know marriage is sunshine, rainbows and simutaneous orgasms after loads of spontaenous sex on the kitchen table!!111!!! - :dubious: - , but it certianly doesn’t sound like she picked the cream of the crop.
Really, a bright hardworking gal like your daughter could pick any guy out there and she picks someone who seems to be floundering. I think she is selling herself short. A guy who is 35 and cruising through life ( forget the living with Mama part for awhile.) is a guy that doesn’t have hit shit together now, would make me go WTF? Is he into drugs, porn, gambling, drinking ( or worse, like Star Trek/LOTR and comic books).
Then there is the mental playground of Why Is He Living With Mommy still? Where is the money. Sorry, but…there it is.
If he is a mama’s boy, is your daughter ready and strong enough to take the back burner to the Mother in Law?
There are alot of Variables and If’s that are hanging. Details, man, we need details.
However, as other have said, it is really none of your business.
However, if you are tired of sensible advice and really want to do what we all wish we could do in Life’s Little Moments of WHY WHY WHY!!!: fly down to Houston,get a hidden webcam purchase and do a livecam and do either to a Meet the Fokkers or some kind of Al Pacino protecting his family kinda speech.
It wouldn’t make you famous.
You would be a legend for all Dads & Moms in your position.
Good luck, remember to breathe and keep us posted.